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Welcome to the Occult History Wiki. Here we will attempt to sort through all the misconceptions behind all the major personalities, groups, and writings.
I have tried to be as thoughtful as I can, in deciding how to proceed, and figured it best to start with my timeline, as it has a nice sized list of people places, texts, and groups, already sorted by date or major event.  
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1314:Jacque DeMolay was burned at ehe stake.
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1378: According to the Fama Fraternitas this is the year that Christian Rosenkreutz should have been born.
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1484: The year that Christian Rosenkreutz supposedly died. He would have been one hundred and six years old.
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1486: Henry Cornelius Agrippa is born.
1488: Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum is written by a Dominican monk named Wincenty Kowski or Koffski. He was born in Poznan, and lived in a monastery in Gdansk. He died the same year his tract was written.
1493: Paracelsus was born.
1527: John Dee was born.
1535: Henry Cornelius Agrippa dies.
1541: Paracelsus dies.
1574: Robert Fludd is born.
1584: According to Fama Fraternitas the original Rosicrucian brotherhood, reveals itself to the public one hundred years after the death of its founder Christian Rosenkreutz.
1586: Johann Valentin Andreae was born.
1588: Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum was found
bricked up behind the wall of Wincenty Kowski's cell.
1604: This is one hundred and twenty years after the death of Christian Rosenkreutz. It is the year that the Fama states the brotherhood found the hidden tomb of C.R.C.
1608: John Dee dies. Thesaurinella Olympica Aurea Tripartita is published by Benedictus Figulus in Frankfurt, it included the text Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum exactly one hundred and twenty years after the
death of Wincenty Kowski.
1610: Fama Fraternitas began to circulate privately.
1614: Fama Fraternitas was published.
1615: Confessio was published. Echo der von Gott Hocherleuchteten Fraternitet, des loblichen Ordens R.C. was published by Julius Sperber in Gdansk (Danzig.)
1616: The Chymical Wedding was published by Johann Valentin Andreae.
1617: Elias Ashmole was born. He was a founding member of the Royal Society.
1618 -
1620: Societas Christiana was formed by Johann Valentin Andreae. The "original" Golden und Rosenkreuter order was possibly formed by Julius Sperber. It supposedly existed in Hauge and Gdansk. Theophilius Schweighart published Speculum Sophicum Rhodostaurticum in 1618.
1626: Shabbetai Zevi was born in Smyrna (Ishmir.)
1627: Robert Boyle was born.
1637: Robert Fludd dies.
1646: Robert Boyle mentions that he is acquainted with an “Invisible College” (Probably the Royal Society.) Elias Ashmole initiated into a Lancaster Masonic lodge. Johann Valentin joins the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft ("Fruitbearing Society") a German literary group.
1650: D.O.M.A published.
1654: Johann Valentin Andreae dies.
1662: The Royal Society is chartered.
1681: Ein Ausfuhrlicher Bericht von der Ersten Tinctur-Wurtzel was published by the Original G and RC. It was a German translation of Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum .
1682: Elias Ashmole is initiated into a London Masonic lodge.
1692: Elias Ashmole dies.
1710: Die Wahrhafte und Volkommene Bereitung des Philosophischen Steins der Bruederschafft Aus dem Orden des Gulden und Rosen Kreutzes is published by Sincerus Renatus (Sigmund Richter.)
1717: The Freemasons go public.
1727: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky is born.
1743: Kadosh Degree of Masonry was created in Lyons France. It was dedicated to the opposition of Tyrannical kings and Unscrupulous religious leaders. It was the first recognised form of “templar” masonry and symbolized the survival of the order after the betrayal of the Pope and the king of France. It was also called Scottish Master in honour of the Scottish Jacobite Masons who fled to France in 1915 after a failed uprising in England.
1755: Order of St. Joachim is founded as The Knights of the Order of Jonathan, Defenders of the Honour of Divine Providence by Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky, Prince Christian Franz von Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld, Duke of Wurttemberg-Oels, Prince Piccolomini, Count von Clary und Aldringen, Baron von Ebb, Ritter Fachner von Trauenstein, Keck von Schwarzbach, Baron von Milchling, Baron Moser von Filseck, Count von Nostitz, Baron Reichlin von Meldegg, Wiedersperger von Wiedersperg, Baron von Zobel von Gliebelstadt
1763: Jean-Baptiste Willermoz founded Souverain Chapitre des Chevaliers de L'Aigle Noir - Rose-Croix.
1767: Jean-Baptiste Willermoz was initiated into the Elus Cohen by Martinez de Pasqually himself in Verailles, France
1772: Count Weiler was in Lyons where he had come to personally establish a Strict Observance Lodge called Loge Ecossaise Rectifiée ‘La Bienfaisance or The Beneficient Lodge of the Rectified Scottish Rite charted by The Duke of Brunswick
1774: Martinez de Pasqually dies.
1776: Bavarian Illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt.
1777: Gulden und Rosenkreuzer was founded. It was headed by Johann Karl Baron von Ecker und Eckhoffen. The Martinest order of the Elus Cohen merged with the Rite of Strict Observance in France, adding the degree of Professed to the original degrees of the R.S.O.
1780: Initiated Brothers of Asia/Asiatic Brethren/Fraters Lucis/ Knights of Light is formed.
1781: Heinrich von Ecker (Magister Pianco), wrote Der Rosenkreutzer in seiner Bloesse.
1782: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became a member of a Parisian Masonic Lodge called Les Amis Reuni. He was also recuited into the Bavarian Illuminati by Baron Von Knigge. The Rite of Strict Observance was reorganized into the Rectified Scottish Rite using the French degree system, including the C.B.C.S. and Professed degrees by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, and Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, who was elected Grand Master General. They were oppossed by the Bavarian Illuminati.
1783: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge in Prauge, and a Deputy Master (senior warden?) of a
lodge in Vienna. The Lodge of the Three Globes of Berlin, with all of its subordinate lodges and the Hamburg Lodges, withdrew from the Strict Observance.
1787: Johann Karl Baron von Ecker und Eckhoffen was Chancellor of the Order of St. Joachim.
1788: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became a member of the Gold und Rosenkrutz Order.
1789: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky founded the first Masonic Lodge in Malta, St. John's Lodge of Secrecy and Harmony.
1790: Ephraim Joseph Hirschfeld a leader of the Asiatic Brethren wrote, Der Asiate in seiner Bloesse oder gruendlicher Beweis: dass die Ritter und Brueder Eingeweihten aus Asien echte Rosenkreuzer sind.
1793: Thomas von Shoenfeld dies at the guillotine (Dobruscha.)
1801: The Scottish Rite was formed in Freemasonry.
1806: The C.B.C.S. Resumed work after the French Revolution.
1807: A French Masonic Strict Observance Lodge is charted in Frankfurt named Loge St. John de L’aurore Naissante or Chabrath Zereh Boqer Aour, unlike other German Lodges of the time this one admitted Jews.
1809: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky dies.
1817: The Loge St. John de L’aurore Naissante ( possibly lodge no. 1) was rechartered as Loge zur aufgehenden Morgenrothe by the Duke of Sussex GM of the UGLE who also petitioned them to open up a London lodge named Aurore Naissante ( possibly lodge no.2.)
1822: Aurore Naissante was asked to close by its mother lodge.
1824: Jean-Baptist Willermoz died in Lyons.
1825: Pascal Beverly Randolph was born.
1828: William Robert Woodman and Francis George Irwin was born.
1840: Robert Wentworth Little was born.
1848: William Wynn Westcott was born.
1854: Samuel Liddel “MacGregor” Mathers is born.
1857: Arthur Edward Waite is born.
1858: Fraternitas Rosae Crucis was formed by Pascal Beverly Randolph.
1867: Societas Rosicruciana in Anglica is formed by Robert Wentworth Little, Frederick Hockley and 5 other masons. Max Heindel was born.
1875: Pascal Beverly Randolph dies, Aleister Crowley is born.
1878: Robert Wentworth Little dies.
1880: Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis formed after three colleges that were chartered by The Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia got together.
1883: Harvey Spencer Lewis was born, Society of Eight was founded by Frederick Holland, Kenneth Mackenzie, John Yarker, F.G. Irwin, Frederick Hockley, Benjamin Cox, W.W. Westcott and S.L. Mathers as members. .
1886: Frederick Holland wrote The Temple Rebuilt.
1888: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is formed Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose Croix (the Cabalistic order of the Rosy Cross) is formed by Count Stanislas de Guaita. Fredrick Holland wrote The Revelation of the Shechinah. The Ordre Martiniste was formed by Gerard Encausse and Augustin Chaboseau
1891: William Robert Woodman dies.
1892: Francis George Irwin dies.
1908: The Rosicrucian Fellowship, founded by Max Heindel.
1915: The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, AMORC, was formed by Harvey Spencer Lewis.
1918: Samuel Liddel “MacGregor” Mathers dies.
1919: Max Heindel dies.
1928: William Wynn Westcott dies.
1939: Harvey Spencer Lewis dies.
1943: Arthur Edward Waite dies.

Current revision as of 00:55, 2 March 2007

Welcome to the Occult History Wiki. Here we will attempt to sort through all the misconceptions behind all the major personalities, groups, and writings. I have tried to be as thoughtful as I can, in deciding how to proceed, and figured it best to start with my timeline, as it has a nice sized list of people places, texts, and groups, already sorted by date or major event.

1314:Jacque DeMolay was burned at ehe stake.

1378: According to the Fama Fraternitas this is the year that Christian Rosenkreutz should have been born.

1484: The year that Christian Rosenkreutz supposedly died. He would have been one hundred and six years old.

1486: Henry Cornelius Agrippa is born.


1488: Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum is written by a Dominican monk named Wincenty Kowski or Koffski. He was born in Poznan, and lived in a monastery in Gdansk. He died the same year his tract was written.

1493: Paracelsus was born.

1527: John Dee was born.

1535: Henry Cornelius Agrippa dies.

1541: Paracelsus dies.

1574: Robert Fludd is born.

1584: According to Fama Fraternitas the original Rosicrucian brotherhood, reveals itself to the public one hundred years after the death of its founder Christian Rosenkreutz.

1586: Johann Valentin Andreae was born.

1588: Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum was found

bricked up behind the wall of Wincenty Kowski's cell.

1604: This is one hundred and twenty years after the death of Christian Rosenkreutz. It is the year that the Fama states the brotherhood found the hidden tomb of C.R.C.

1608: John Dee dies. Thesaurinella Olympica Aurea Tripartita is published by Benedictus Figulus in Frankfurt, it included the text Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum exactly one hundred and twenty years after the

death of Wincenty Kowski.

1610: Fama Fraternitas began to circulate privately.

1614: Fama Fraternitas was published.

1615: Confessio was published. Echo der von Gott Hocherleuchteten Fraternitet, des loblichen Ordens R.C. was published by Julius Sperber in Gdansk (Danzig.)

1616: The Chymical Wedding was published by Johann Valentin Andreae.

1617: Elias Ashmole was born. He was a founding member of the Royal Society.

1618 -

1620: Societas Christiana was formed by Johann Valentin Andreae. The "original" Golden und Rosenkreuter order was possibly formed by Julius Sperber. It supposedly existed in Hauge and Gdansk. Theophilius Schweighart published Speculum Sophicum Rhodostaurticum in 1618.

1626: Shabbetai Zevi was born in Smyrna (Ishmir.)

1627: Robert Boyle was born.

1637: Robert Fludd dies.

1646: Robert Boyle mentions that he is acquainted with an “Invisible College” (Probably the Royal Society.) Elias Ashmole initiated into a Lancaster Masonic lodge. Johann Valentin joins the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft ("Fruitbearing Society") a German literary group.

1650: D.O.M.A published.

1654: Johann Valentin Andreae dies.

1662: The Royal Society is chartered.

1681: Ein Ausfuhrlicher Bericht von der Ersten Tinctur-Wurtzel was published by the Original G and RC. It was a German translation of Tractatus de Prima Materia Veterum Lapidis Philosophorum .

1682: Elias Ashmole is initiated into a London Masonic lodge.

1692: Elias Ashmole dies.

1710: Die Wahrhafte und Volkommene Bereitung des Philosophischen Steins der Bruederschafft Aus dem Orden des Gulden und Rosen Kreutzes is published by Sincerus Renatus (Sigmund Richter.)

1717: The Freemasons go public.

1727: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky is born.

1743: Kadosh Degree of Masonry was created in Lyons France. It was dedicated to the opposition of Tyrannical kings and Unscrupulous religious leaders. It was the first recognised form of “templar” masonry and symbolized the survival of the order after the betrayal of the Pope and the king of France. It was also called Scottish Master in honour of the Scottish Jacobite Masons who fled to France in 1915 after a failed uprising in England.

1755: Order of St. Joachim is founded as The Knights of the Order of Jonathan, Defenders of the Honour of Divine Providence by Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky, Prince Christian Franz von Sachsen-Coburg Saalfeld, Duke of Wurttemberg-Oels, Prince Piccolomini, Count von Clary und Aldringen, Baron von Ebb, Ritter Fachner von Trauenstein, Keck von Schwarzbach, Baron von Milchling, Baron Moser von Filseck, Count von Nostitz, Baron Reichlin von Meldegg, Wiedersperger von Wiedersperg, Baron von Zobel von Gliebelstadt

1763: Jean-Baptiste Willermoz founded Souverain Chapitre des Chevaliers de L'Aigle Noir - Rose-Croix.

1767: Jean-Baptiste Willermoz was initiated into the Elus Cohen by Martinez de Pasqually himself in Verailles, France

1772: Count Weiler was in Lyons where he had come to personally establish a Strict Observance Lodge called Loge Ecossaise Rectifiée ‘La Bienfaisance or The Beneficient Lodge of the Rectified Scottish Rite charted by The Duke of Brunswick

1774: Martinez de Pasqually dies.

1776: Bavarian Illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt.

1777: Gulden und Rosenkreuzer was founded. It was headed by Johann Karl Baron von Ecker und Eckhoffen. The Martinest order of the Elus Cohen merged with the Rite of Strict Observance in France, adding the degree of Professed to the original degrees of the R.S.O.

1780: Initiated Brothers of Asia/Asiatic Brethren/Fraters Lucis/ Knights of Light is formed.

1781: Heinrich von Ecker (Magister Pianco), wrote Der Rosenkreutzer in seiner Bloesse.

1782: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became a member of a Parisian Masonic Lodge called Les Amis Reuni. He was also recuited into the Bavarian Illuminati by Baron Von Knigge. The Rite of Strict Observance was reorganized into the Rectified Scottish Rite using the French degree system, including the C.B.C.S. and Professed degrees by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, and Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, who was elected Grand Master General. They were oppossed by the Bavarian Illuminati.

1783: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge in Prauge, and a Deputy Master (senior warden?) of a

lodge in Vienna. The Lodge of the Three Globes of Berlin, with all of its subordinate lodges and the Hamburg Lodges, withdrew from the Strict Observance.

1787: Johann Karl Baron von Ecker und Eckhoffen was Chancellor of the Order of St. Joachim.

1788: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky became a member of the Gold und Rosenkrutz Order.

1789: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky founded the first Masonic Lodge in Malta, St. John's Lodge of Secrecy and Harmony.

1790: Ephraim Joseph Hirschfeld a leader of the Asiatic Brethren wrote, Der Asiate in seiner Bloesse oder gruendlicher Beweis: dass die Ritter und Brueder Eingeweihten aus Asien echte Rosenkreuzer sind.

1793: Thomas von Shoenfeld dies at the guillotine (Dobruscha.)


1801: The Scottish Rite was formed in Freemasonry.

1806: The C.B.C.S. Resumed work after the French Revolution.


1807: A French Masonic Strict Observance Lodge is charted in Frankfurt named Loge St. John de L’aurore Naissante or Chabrath Zereh Boqer Aour, unlike other German Lodges of the time this one admitted Jews.

1809: Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky dies.

1817: The Loge St. John de L’aurore Naissante ( possibly lodge no. 1) was rechartered as Loge zur aufgehenden Morgenrothe by the Duke of Sussex GM of the UGLE who also petitioned them to open up a London lodge named Aurore Naissante ( possibly lodge no.2.)

1822: Aurore Naissante was asked to close by its mother lodge.

1824: Jean-Baptist Willermoz died in Lyons.

1825: Pascal Beverly Randolph was born.

1828: William Robert Woodman and Francis George Irwin was born.

1840: Robert Wentworth Little was born.

1848: William Wynn Westcott was born.

1854: Samuel Liddel “MacGregor” Mathers is born.

1857: Arthur Edward Waite is born.

1858: Fraternitas Rosae Crucis was formed by Pascal Beverly Randolph.

1867: Societas Rosicruciana in Anglica is formed by Robert Wentworth Little, Frederick Hockley and 5 other masons. Max Heindel was born.

1875: Pascal Beverly Randolph dies, Aleister Crowley is born.

1878: Robert Wentworth Little dies.

1880: Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis formed after three colleges that were chartered by The Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia got together.

1883: Harvey Spencer Lewis was born, Society of Eight was founded by Frederick Holland, Kenneth Mackenzie, John Yarker, F.G. Irwin, Frederick Hockley, Benjamin Cox, W.W. Westcott and S.L. Mathers as members. .

1886: Frederick Holland wrote The Temple Rebuilt.

1888: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is formed Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose Croix (the Cabalistic order of the Rosy Cross) is formed by Count Stanislas de Guaita. Fredrick Holland wrote The Revelation of the Shechinah. The Ordre Martiniste was formed by Gerard Encausse and Augustin Chaboseau

1891: William Robert Woodman dies.

1892: Francis George Irwin dies.

1908: The Rosicrucian Fellowship, founded by Max Heindel.

1915: The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, AMORC, was formed by Harvey Spencer Lewis.

1918: Samuel Liddel “MacGregor” Mathers dies.

1919: Max Heindel dies.

1928: William Wynn Westcott dies.

1939: Harvey Spencer Lewis dies.

1943: Arthur Edward Waite dies.

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