Herbal Medicine

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AMED : Allied and Alternative Medicine (1985-)

Subject : complementary therapies; physiotherapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, rehabilitation, particularly in the UK & Europe. Access : http://search.ebscohost.com/athens.asp

Medline (1966 -) Herbal & alternative therapies information as published in mainstream medical & healthcare journals. Worldwide coverage. http://search.ebscohost.com/athens.asp Database access requires your Athens username/password.

British Nursing Index (1985 - ); herbal & alternative therapies information as published in UK nursing journals. http://search.ebscohost.com/athens.asp Database access requires your Athens username/password

CINAHL: Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, (1982-) herbal & alternative therapies information as published in U.S. nursing journals. North America & worldwide coverage. Includes much full text. http://search.ebscohost.com/athens.asp

CAB Abstracts (1973 -) plant science, agriculture, human health & nutrition, conservation of natural resources. http://gateway.ovid.com/athens Database access requires your Athens username/password.

Cochrane Library Critical reviews of research-based health care. Subject-based reviews; abstracts of effectiveness of treatments. http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/cochrane_search_fs.html

Herbalgram online version of the print journal, available to Napier staff & students. Internet: http://herbalgram.org/herbalgram Username = napieruniv@herbalgram.org Password = napier2007

Herbal Library Includes: HerbMed � evidence-based resource of scientific data HerbClip - critical reviews of important news articles. Complete German Commission E Monographs Expanded Commission E Monographs and other information from the American Botanical Council

Bandolier : Complementary & Alternative Therapies Reviews of clinical trials and systematic reviews in the field of CAT from Bandolier, the online journal of evidence-based healthcare http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/bandolier/booth/booths/altmed.html

National Research Register Govt. commissioned health care research [DoH, Scottish Office, Welsh Office]. Database of reports of completed and active research projects. Internet: http://www.nrr.nhs.uk

National Centre For Complementary & Alternative Medicine Part of the USA National Institute of Health. Provides �CAM Index�, A complementary therapies subset of the Medline journal articles database. http://nccam.nih.gov

BMJ: Complementary Medicine Series of recent articles published in the British Medical Journal. http://bmj.com/cgi/collection/complementary_medicine

Research Council For Complementary Medicine Promotes & facilitates rigorous research in complementary medicine. CISCOM research article database available for a small charge. http://www.rccm.org.uk

Foundation For Integrated Health Promotes the integrated delivery of safe, effective and efficient forms of healthcare, including orthodox and complementary medicine. http://www.fihealth.org.uk

House of Lords Select Committee on Science & Technology. Sixth Report, Session 1999-2000: Complementary & Alternative medicine. Full-text of the recent House of Lords report on CAM in the UK. http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199900/ldselect/ldsctech/123/12301.htm

University Of Exeter and Plymouth. Complementary Medicine Group One of the main UK HE sources of research in complementary medicine. Dept headed by Professor Edzard Ernst. http://www.pms.ac.uk/compmed

Intute: health and life sciences Gateway for high quality biological &plant information; ethnobotany. Includes Bioresearch (biological); MedHist (medical history), Natural History (and Agriculture, Food and Forestry gateways. Formerly known as BIOME. http://www.intute.ac.uk/healthandlifesciences/

Intute: health and life sciences - medicine Gateway for high quality internet healthcare information; UK and worldwide (formerly known as OMNI). http://www.intute.ac.uk/healthandlifesciences/medicine/

Key Journals

Journal of ethnopharmacology

Fitoterapia Phytomedicine

Journal of phytopathology New phytologist

Journal of natural products (access available on campus only)


These titles are available in print at Canaan Lane �

Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy Journal of essential oil research

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