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Photography resources in Napier Library

Key reference books

These can all be found in Merchiston Library reference section: follow the links to our library catalogue then click on Location to see the shelfmark.

Journal Databases

These can help you identify useful journal articles: note the links to our helpsheets as you connect to the service.

You may still have more work to do to find the full text of the articles! See our web page on Locating Journal Articles.

Photography and arts in general:

Newspaper articles

  • Nexis UK contains the full text of a huge range of international newspapers - but no pictures, sadly.

Technical subjects:

Market reports:

Photography resources on the Internet


Royal Photographic Society Membership of the Society is open to anyone with a real interest in photography. The website has information about the society, its events and activities, and a useful collection of links to photography websites

British Institute of Professional Photography Information about the Society, and how to qualify for membership, and a careers guide to working in the photographic industry.

British Journal of Photography "Online version of the world's oldest photography magazine". You can't read the magazine online but the site includes a list of events, competitions and college courses, an image gallery and a collection of photography links, plus you can subscribe for free to the Professional photographers' newsletter.

European Photography Guide Galleries, museums, festivals, critics, schools, awards, magazines, publishers, bookshops, associations and more. Online magazine, including a large collection of links, searchable geographically, or by broad categories, such as photojournalism, nature, black & white. Only drawback is that there are a lot of broken links.

Black & white world A magazine devoted to black and white photography, including photojournalism. The site does not appear to be currently updated, but has a technique toolkit which includes links to websites, an archive of past articles (the vault) and a gallery. You can access all these things from the pull down menu at the top left corner of the screen (not immediately obvious).

Documentary Photography: Jacob Riis A Multimedia CAL Program To Teach The Analysis Of Documentary Photography This program and its contents, including textual and image based materials, may be used for educational purposes only: education, private study or research.

History of Photography, by Robert Leggat Actually more of a searchable internet encyclopaedia of the history of photography

The Daguerreian Society Everything you could possibly want to know about the daguerreotype, with lots of images

Autograph Website of the Association of Black Photographers. Includes profiles of artists and examples of their work.

George Eastman House: International Museum of Photography and Film Pay a virtual visit to the museum through their online gallery of images

UCR / California Museum of Photography "UCR / CMP is vitally concerned with the intersection of photography, new imaging media and society". Lots of images of recent work, but also historic collections of stereographs, cameras, and images by over 1000 photographers.

Image databases:

AHDS Visual Arts: Collections Contents include: African and Visual Arts Archive, Design Council Archive and Slide Collection, Imperial War Museum art collection, National Fine Art Collection

Bridgeman Art Library Thousands of images from museums and galleries around the world. All images on this site are copyright protected and displayed for reference only. Images may be printed out for reference using Lightboxes.

Capital Collections - a choice of images from the collections of Edinburgh City Libraries and Information Services

Scholars Resource Images for the teaching of art history and related subjects. Thumbnail images can be viewed on the site for many artists.

SCRAN - a resource base of Scottish material culture and human history.

TASI The website of the JISC Technical Advisory Service for Images. Click on Image Sites to browse a database of image resources worldwide. The site also contains much useful advice about creation and use of images.

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