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Region: Europe
Motto: Porro ago rex, Porro ago populus!
Map: N/A
Official Language(s): English, Italian, Polish, German
Capital: Seopolis
Population: 121,900,000
Currency: Coin
Leader: Joseph Seth Darriden III
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

The Imperial Kingdom of Josepania is a large, environmentally stunning nation. Ruled by a monarchy and a Parliament, the nation prides itself on being a moderate, peaceful nation when it comes to international issues, and has shown to be quite tolerant to many other nations. Its moderate status, however, causes some friction with extremist nations on both sides of the political spectrum.

Josepania can be a wonderful place to live, thanks mostly to its environment, which is more or less untouched and unpolluted by civilization. Its mixed economy reaches a delicate compromise between private business and government controlled corporations, which has lowered taxes, given the economy a boom, and made education and healthcare quite inexpensive. While, politically, the citizens cannot do much, their civil rights are respected by the benevolent monarchy and, with a Parliament to make sure they are not breached, the citizens enjoy very good civil rights while living without the fear of a totally unknown crime rate. The people of Josepania are very patriotic and friendly to foreigners, though tend to be a bit cynical when it comes to international issues. The rights of Free Press and Free Speech have kept Josepania from descending into a true dictatorship. The Imperial Kingdom of Josepania is often shortened to just Josepania


[edit] Geography

[edit] Environment

Josepania prides itself on having one of the most beautiful environments in Europe. Thanks to strict laws on waste control and pollution, which forces pollution factories and businesses to pay many coins to either stop or safely get rid of pollution, you can always expect to see clear blue skies, clean, fresh air, and sparkling blue water, not to mention many healthy forests and meadows, and even a large coral reef just off the coast of Josepania's sandy white beaches.

[edit] Notable Landmarks

Josepania has three notable landmarks. The first is the great Redwood Forest right on the southern border of Josepania. Mostly untouched by civilization, the redwood trees have been estimated to be, on average, over a century old, and have reached mini-skyscrapers in height. The second landmark is the Sierra Range along the western borders of Josepania. This mountain range, with snowcapped mountains piercing clouds, has served as a natural barrier for Josepania. Finally, the Central Coral Reef, just off the coasts of Josepania, is actually a number of clustered patches of coral reefs that, when looking underwater, forms a submerged wall. It is deep enough, though, for most ships to pass over it.

[edit] Politics

[edit] Major Political Parties

With the recent establishment of a Parliament, Josepania has five major political parties, with a sixth beginning to make itself known. The current parties in Parliament right now include the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, and the Independent Party. With recent monthly elections coming soon, two new major parties and a third, minor party, have begun campaigning. The Fascist Party actually broke off the Republican Party, and, somehow, quickly gained members and notable support. The Socialist Party, like the Fascist Party, broke off from the Democrat Party and quickly gained members and reputation. The third, minor party, the Libertarian Party, broke off from the Independent Party, but is having some difficulty in gaining members and prestige.

[edit] Political Provinces

There are currently 11 recorded provinces in Josepania, two of which are overseas. However, with recent elections coming up, it is expected for the political borders to be shifted significantly.. In mainland Josepania, these are the nine provinces, along with their dominant party:

Seopolis Republican

Davint Democrat

Lizban Democrat

Gilsonia Republican

Jima Democrat

Sherrian Republican

Sethob Republican

Slesvig Democrat

Henrikart Independent

Overseaas, there are two former colonies that were recently absorbed as provinces. These two provinces, along with their dominant parties, are shown below.

Sardinia Independent

Hawkibania Independent

[edit] Economy

[edit] The Mixed Economy

Like in the political world, which has found a compromise between democracy and dictatorship, Josepania has stuck with an economy that is, more or less, a compromise between the planned economy and the market economy.

In Josepania's mixed economy, smaller to medium businesses are privatized and left to do their business how they see fit, while traders are left to operate independently. Meanwhile, large businesses and corporations are controlled by the government to make sure they do not interfere in the political process. The major utilities, such as water and electricity, are also controlled by the government.

Land is also privatized and owned by citizens in Josepania. However, there are restrictions as to how large a lot can be, so that wealthy citizens cannot own huge tracts of otherwise unused land. The theory is that these restirctions and limits can close the gap between the rich and the poor of Josepania.

[edit] International Trade

Ever since its beginning centuries ago, Josepania has thrived on international trade, and has repeatedly encouraged Josepanians to trade with the outside world and receive foreign goods and learn new things. Some say that, thanks to international trade, Josepania's economy has thrived and its citizens are more educated about the outside world.

[edit] Military

Although a peaceful country, Josepania has often prepared for war against powers such as the Empire of the North many years ago. Normally, Josepania's army has been filled with conscripts but, with a new law signed by Parliament and the king, conscription has been abolished, reasoning that the citizens must be able to choose to be in the armed forces of Josepania, that that soldiers who are volunteers fight better than conscripts. The new law states, however, that in times of great emergency, a quick draft will be called and, once the crisis is averted, conscripts will be given a choice, to stay in the armed forces, or to go back home.

Currently: the total amount of soldiers in the military are:

Total -1,460,000 Troops

Reserve Forces – 310,000 Reserve Troops

[edit] Royal Army

Josepania's first and foremost branch of the military is, of course, the army. It has been in place ever since Josepania established itself as a nation, but has rarely seen combat, due to peaceful diplomacy by Josepania. However, army troops are constantly run throw high-tech simulators nowadays, so as to prepare them for real combat, should it come.

Regular Army – 1,000,000 Active-Duty Troops

First Army – 250,000 Regulars

200,000 Infantrymen (4 Corps or 10 Infantry Divisions)

50,000 Mechanized Infantry (1 Corps)

1000 80-A1 IFVs

500 MBTs

250 Hercules 155mm

250 Attack Helicopters

250 Transport Helicopters

5,000 Scout Cars

5,000 Trucks

Second Army – 250,000 Regulars

200,000 Infantrymen (4 Corps or 10 Infantry Divisions)

50,000 Mechanized Infantry (1 Corps)

1000 80-A1 IFVs

500 MBTs

250 Hercules 155mm

250 Attack Helicopters

250 Transport Helicopters

5,000 Scout Cars

5,000 Trucks

Third Army – 250,000 Regulars

200,000 Infantrymen (4 Corps or 10 Infantry Divisions)

50,000 Mechanized Infantry (1 Corps)

1000 80-A1 IFVs

500 MBTs

250 Hercules 155mm

250 Attack Helicopters

250 Transport Helicopters

5,000 Scout Cars

5,000 Trucks

Fourth Army – 250,000 Regulars

200,000 Infantrymen (4 Corps or 10 Infantry Divisions)

50,000 Mechanized Infantry (1 Corps)

1,000 IFVs

500 MBTs

250 Hercules 155mm

250 Attack Helicopters

250 Transport Helicopters

5,000 Scout Cars

5,000 Trucks

1,000 CMI-215A2 Attila MLRS

[edit] Royal Navy

The second branch of Josepania's armed forces is the navy. It has, since its beginnings, evolved from a ragtag group of merchant vessels when the nation first began, to a fighting force that can and will protect Josepania's shores. Most naval ships come from the military suppliers CDC, who are also Josepania's official suppliers.

Navy: 140,000

10 Carrier Battle Groups

10 Brissac Class Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carriers

10 Admiralty Class Battlecruisers

20 Canard Class Aegis Cruisers

20 Brienne Class Cruisers

100 Cavalier Class Destroyers

10 Sirocco Class Frigates

40 Hydra Class Frigates

40 Roland Class Attack Submarines

10 Commandant De Pimodan Class Amphibious Command Ships

100 Charles Rogan Amphibious Warfare Ships

1,000 Spartan Class Amphibious Landing Craft

[edit] Royal Air Force

Finally, the Royal Air Force of Josepania is the third and final branch of the military. It, compared with the other two branches, has the least amount of funds and personel, as the air force has only been recently established as a true branch of the military, and not a branch of the army.

Air Force: 10,000

1,000 Be.2070 Long Range/Super Heavy Transports

20 Fighter Wings

720 AS.222C Air Superiority Fighters

720 AS.222D Dual-Role Fighters

720 Be.212 Multi-Role Fighters

10 Bomber Wings

360 AS.224A Long Range Tactical Bombers

360 Be.110 Long Range Medium Bombers

360 Be.111 Supersonic Bombers

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