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Region: Europe
Motto: Wisdom is the realm's support
Official Language(s): English (official), Spanish, French, Russian and German
Capital: Prague
Population: 2+ Billion
Currency: Austriavakian Mark
Leader: President Bella Shapiro
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML

The United States of Austriavakia is a democratic nation that is in Southern Europe, bordering Penguin to the west and Isolated France to the east. The Capital city been Prague.

Austriavakia is a Constitutional Federal Republic, made up of 4 states. The Government is a four branches state. An Executive, a Judicial, the Monarchy and a Legislative Branch. Rule by a President, and the Head of States been a Monarch, Austriavakia is one of the most democratic republics in Europe.


[edit] Name

The name Austriavakia comes from the Union of the former nations of Czechoslovakia and Austria in 1980. After an agreement between both nations, the term Austria and the vakia was put together to represent both states. The Capital was put in the Czech side, Prague.

[edit] History

Template:History of the United States

[edit] Government

Austriavakia is a constitutional republic, the government is a representative democracy thorugh a congressional system under the power of the constitution. There is four levels. The Executive, Judicial, Legislative and the Monarchy.

Legislative: the Congress, made up of the Senate and House of Representatives

Executive: The President, who appoints, with the Senate approval, the Cabinet and any other officers

Judicial: The Supreme Court and lower courts, whose judges are appoint by the President and Congress

Monarchy: The Monarch is the Head of State of the Republic, and can become a cabinet member with Presidental permission

The President is the leader of the Country, while the Vice President is the president of the Senate and the Prime Minister is the president of the House of Representatives.

[edit] Foreign Relations and Military Power

Austriavakia is a middle power when it comes to both foreign and military powers. Having diplomatic relations with all nations, except the Right Wing Bloc members. The United States is a member is the European Union, U.E.S.A., Arnhem Pact and more organizations.

The United States Military is made up of a Army, Navy and Airforce which all go into the Department of Defense which administrates them. In time of war, the President is the commander in chief of the arm forces.

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