Rupert Windsor-Jones

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Rupert Edward Henry Windsor-Jones


Played ByDavid Tennant
LJ accountuserinfo.gif rupertwindsorj
Current YearSeventh Year
Hogwarts HouseHufflepuff
Favorite SubjectsHistory of Magic
Worst SubjectsCharms

userinfo.gif belle_bing


Character Profile

Name: Rupert Windsor-Jones

LJ: Rupert's Journal

Played By: David Tennant

Birthdate: May 10, 1988

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Wand: 11 1/2 inches, willow, dragon heartstring.

Blood: Muggleborn

Birthplace: Westminster, London, England.

Location: City of Westminster, London, England.

Status or Class: Muggle Upper Class

Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Anglo-Saxon/Church of England.


Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Catherine Windsor-Jones (Mum) 43, Homemaker

Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Edward Windsor-Jones (Dad) 46, Lawyer

Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Annabelle Windsor-Jones (Sister) 13,

Pet Name/Species: Turlough/Barn Owl.

OWL Scores:

Astronomy: A

Charms: T


Herbology: P

History of Magic: O

Potions: E

Transfiguration: T

Other Subject #1: Arithmancy: A

Other Subject #2: Care of Magical Creatures: A

NEWT Scores: Projected:

Astronomy: A


History of Magic: O

Potions: E

Optional Other Subject #1: Arithmancy: E

10 Words to describe your character: Friendly, talkative, dork, lanky, studious, mental (but in a good way), scruffy, well read, loyal, panicky.


Because of the way and the social circle he has been brought up in, by all means Rupert should be a dominant character who is confident and knows what he is doing. But he isn’t. Because he is a muggleborn, he views himself as definitely in the minority and is sometimes (though he never admits it) scared that he’s doesn’t belong. If he’s questioned on this, he gets his back up and goes on the attack in a move he believes is defending his muggleborn status. Generally he’s a teasing and friendly person, he is willing to make conversation with just about anyone (so long as they aren’t a Slytherin) and he enjoys life. There are several topics that he doesn’t wish to discuss – death is one of them, he just can’t handle it and spins out if he is required to deal with it. Another is the fact that he will return to the muggle way of life once he graduates from Hogwarts. Rupert comes from a muggle family who is very bent on observing traditions that are more than a century old and Rupert doesn’t want to be the one to break them, even though he has to stretch them a little. Because he’s certain about returning to the muggle world, he has made friends accordingly. Many are muggle born and a few are doing the same as he. Above all else, he feels the need to be understood, which has led to some interesting situations. He can’t stand being misunderstood.

Rupert comes off at times as awkward. There are times when he likes to think he’s a James Bond character or stealthy or smooth but the truth of the matter is that he isn’t and he has a nervous kind of energy and sometimes his inner monologue isn’t so inner, and when confronted he will blurt out things that aren’t necessarily relevant to the situation. He’s not particularly good at lying – and it shows – and he isn’t the most decisive of characters. Sometimes there’s a bit of a panic about him… if he’s entered a conversation at the wrong time and said the wrong thing he can babble. Oh lord can he babble. Whatever the situation, Rupert has a tendency to perhaps talk a little more than he should and at a million miles an hour on topics that aren’t necessarily pertaining to the original subject. With his future planned out for him the way it is, he is living life in the present very stream of conscious-ly. He hasn’t yet got his head around the fact that Hogwarts will soon be over and he will have to return back to reality.

Rupert is an extremely loyal friend. He would never be caught talking about his friends in a negative way and (as has been demonstrated) would go to the end of the earth to help or protect the ones he most cares about. Most of his friends he has had for a very long time and thus he feels comfortable around because when it comes to making new ones they have to be able to see past the fact that he talks too much, and he might say the wrong things at times and can be a little bit odd and overzealous. On his better days he prefers to think of these qualities as more endearing than off putting.

Rupert is not an only child, but because he is the only magical one in his family he has become accustomed to dealing with problems on his own, not sharing them and this can lead to difficulties when the problems he is having need to be shared with other people to be solved, or if he is taking on way too much and doing damage to himself and not telling anyone – an example of which would be when he heard his best friend was dying of cancer and he stopped eating and sleeping in his search for a magical cure. He isn’t very good at just coming out and saying things because he is scared of being wrong.


Rupert is a very determined individual. Both because of his family’s wealth and interest in education and literature, Rupert is very well read and intelligent (though he’s not so good with the common sense). Because he is so terrible with wand work he has thrown himself into the more muggle like subjects of History of Magic (in which he both excels and tutors) Potions, Astronomy and Arithmancy. It is his determination to prove that he does belong in a magic school which has pushed him to do more his best in the subjects he can do well in. His loyalty and friendliness are also strengths; he would not betray his friends for anything and could not stand to see someone by themselves. He will stop for a chat if he has the time and even if he does not. He is not particularly a fighter by nature, (being from a family of barristers has taught him the importance of words) but if the situation requires it of him he will defend and his friends to the death. He believes his ability to talk is a strength. Whether it is or not is up to the interpretation of the person who is on the receiving end of his chatter, but it can be entertaining, distracting, helpful, funny, and a way to prove he cares.


Rupert has two major flaws. The flaw in his personality is that coming in as an optimistic muggleborn who didn’t know any better and subsequently learned his lesson, he is extremely prejudice against the Slytherins, believing the lot of them to be stuck up, arrogant and judging him for being in the minority. His prejudice against the Slytherins can borderline on paranoia, if he gets it into his head that one does not like him for some reason then that is it and if a Slytherin is being nice to him it’s probably only because they want to make him look like a fool by being nice when secretly everyone knows that the Slytherins detest muggleborns.

Rupert’s major magical flaw is that he is no good with wand work. His ability at it is completely terrible and he can mess up even the most simple of spells. What he doesn’t know is that a lot of it is about confidence, but he has none in his abilities and so more often than not it is his self doubt that screws things up for him. Randomly he will get a spell right, but he is generally filled with such relief at not messing things that he doesn’t stop to think that maybe if he tried again he might succeed. Plus, being asked to not take charms or transfiguration in his two senior years has helped write off Rupert’s confidence in that area. He believes he is almost a squib.

Other than that, his weaknesses are typically adolescent: his very singular view when it comes to solving problems on his own and not talking about them, his self-absorbedness at times, his tendency to worry about thing that are out of his hands.


One of Rupert’s greatest fears is that he does not belong at Hogwarts. He feels like a great big pretender and that one day someone is going to come up to him and tell him that under no circumstances does he belong here and that he should pack his bags and go home. What sort of magic school wants a student that can’t do magic, anyway? And besides that, he doesn’t even want to do anything in the magical world when he finishes school, he wants to go back to the muggle world, so why waste your time there when he’d be just as well of at a place like Eton?

He is also deathly afraid of flying. He never quite understood the idea of sitting on a tiny piece of wood up in the sky, with nothing keeping it up there. REALLY ILLOGICAL and it scares the pants off him. And when he was a firstie some older students took advantage of this and he got into an accident, which has put him off flying and heights forever. He only gets up to the top of the astronomy tower because he has had seven years of practicing the belief that it isn’t as high up as he thinks it is (which it is, but he’s has to conquer at least a bit of his fear).

Rupert’s biggest fear is of death and people leaving him. He lost his grandfather when he was ten – his mother’s father whom he was quite attached to, so death has always been a touchy subject. The fear of people leaving him has manifested more recently when his best friend died and his parents decided to keep this information from him until his friend was on his deathbed and there was nothing he could do to help. Rupert is terrified of the unknown and death is the great unknown and it has meant that he behaves somewhat oddly when it comes to death. Which couples in with his fear of people leaving him – he was not allowed to be with his grandfather as he passed away, he never heard his grandfather’s dying words, he did not know about Paul until it was too late and he was never able to tell his best friend that he was sorry. Lately he has experienced more than one good friend being pulled from the school without a word of farewell and another disappeared without a word of warning. It has somewhat affected his relationships of late.


Every single member of Rupert’s family other than himself are muggles. He comes from a very wealthy background – his father is from the elite of England, his mother the elite of Scotland – one that is steeped in ritual and tradition that has tightly bound his life. As a child he was undeniably spoiled, at seventeen he has no concept of cooking or cleaning other than they are things that have to be done (seven years at Hogwarts hasn’t helped the matter any). He spent his time mostly in his family manor in Westminster, though many holidays and weekends were spent in his family’s other home in Edinburgh, especially when his grandfather was slowly passing away. He has a little sister whom he would do anything for and about whom he feels slightly guilty because he gets to experience a magical lifestyle where she has to glean what she can from her older brother as an outsider.

Rupert’s whole life has essentially been mapped out for him. He attended the best school before he got his Hogwarts letter (had he not gone to Hogwarts he was going to Eton), the privilege of going to Hogwarts was one he had to fight for. It was only when a bargain was struck that his parents acquiesced. Every summer, Rupert works hard in what pretty much a muggle summer school, filling in the gaps that Hogwarts has left to ensure that at graduation he can still attend Cambridge and exit the other side a barrister as his father and his father’s father and his father’s father’s father have done…(his family’s law firm is one of the oldest in the country.)

Only one of Rupert’s two closest friends from home (one, Paul recently passed away) knows about his magical status and has been integral in giving his friend the support he needed to get through Hogwarts. More than once Rupert has had his mind set on withdrawing from the magical school in Scotland and coming home to make his life much easier, but Pete has been able to talk him out of it, sometimes with the assistance of his parents. Only his parents, his sister and his best friend Peter know about Rupert’s magical abilities and so to cover the fact that he spends the majority of the year in a castle in Scotland his family tells people that he is attending a boarding school with a brilliant reputation, known only to very elite families – it is enough of a lie to be believable, no one questions it for fear of revealing that they are not one of these elite families who is in the know.

Physical Description:

Rupert stands tall at 6’1 and has a lanky sort of build that makes him physically very awkward – long and thin legs, arms and body. Like most people who spend most of the year in Scotland he is very pale and he has a light smattering of brown freckles, though they’re more visible in the summer when he’s in the sun. Rupert has unruly dark brown hair and dark eyes to match.

Significant Relationships:

Family: Rupert gets along better with his mother than his father because she is more willing to make concessions when it comes to his life and the future and the constraints of his society and class where as his father has had to do everything the way his father and his father’s father have done and believes that as the next in line Rupert should have to, too. Rupert has a very close relationship with his little (and only) sister, partly out of guilt because he’s magical and she’s not but also because she’s his comrade at arms and like him, she is very much the little girl with the big brown eyes who daddy and big brother must protect at all costs – not that when it comes to her brother she can’t hold her own. Friends: Recently Rupert has lost a lot of friends because parents are feeling that Hogwarts is not a safe place anymore. He still has a number of close friends, a few of which, like him, are going back to the muggle world after graduation, and others who aren’t. His best friend at home is set to go to Cambridge with him and has been instrumental in ensuring that Rupert finished his career at Hogwarts. Rupert's best friend at Hogwarts is fellow seventh year Hufflepuff Bryant Sawyer and his girlfriend is also a seventh year Hufflepuff, Moira Douglas


Year: 7th

House: Hufflepuff

Why are they in that house? Like it is with everyone, there are a combination of factors which contribute to him belonging in Hufflepuff. For one there is his loyalty and friendliness, which are stereotypical traits of the house. But there’s also his awkwardness (Hufflepuff = house of Awks) and his determination in some areas but total disregard in others. He’s a duffer when he wants to be and a dork and he likes to goof around and have fun. Some of his favourite moments are when all his friends come together in the common room for grand scale discussions about nothing and everything, some of the moments he least likes are being alone with his dorm mate because everything is so awkward and weird. Hufflepuff are a cheery bunch who work hard most of the time but also know how to have fun. They are dorks and they’re lame and they can awks it up better than any other house in the school and Rupert does not want to belong anywhere else.

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