Natalie Corwin

From Np Hogwarts

Revision as of 08:42, 13 April 2006 by Jedilora (Talk | contribs)

Player Name: Ashley

Player House: Gryffindor

Character Name: Natalie Corwin

Preferred Character House: Ravenclaw

Character Age: 17, and her birthday is March 23rd. :) [I love my birthday book.]

If your character is a student - what year is s/he? Seventh

What kind of wand does your character possess? 9 inch, Willow, unicorn hair core. [Unicorn hair because it's good for Herbology, based on an article at MuggleNet that I'm too lazy to find and link to.]

Does your character own a broom? Which brand? Yes, a Comet 260, please. I'd like her to be seeker on the team... but that might be filled, I think? If so, Chaser please.

Does your character have any special abilities? (Natural flier or good at potions, for example {Please note that Animagi and Metamorphmagi are rare, and you MUST have mod permission for these}): Not really. I mean, she has strengths and weaknesses like everyone, but there's nothing in particular that she's naturally fabulous at -- she's worked hard to become good at the things she's good at, such as flying.

Describe your character’s strengths (both magically and personality-wise): Well, she tries hard at anything she does, and does pretty well at school in general. But her strengths are definitely the non-wand related magics; herbology in particular. She's also good at potions, though, and she thinks History of Magic is pretty interesting, and she does well with Arithmancy.

She's a very friendly sort of person, but she doesn't take anyone's shit, either. She's definitely not a pushover, and will stand up for herself. School means a lot to her, but so does her friends and Quidditch, and she somehow manages to balance it all.

She likes to laugh, and she likes to make her friends laugh. She's there for them when they need her, and would probably be the type of person people would go to with their problems -- not only because she'd be understanding, but also because she knows how to keep a secret if she needs to.

She's very interested in people, and likes exploring what makes them 'tick.' But she cares about people, too, she isn't just scientific about it or whatever.

Describe your character’s flaws/weaknesses: She's not as good with Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA, because they take a lot of wand work, and she's just not as good with that sort of thing.

She tends to get bored easily, and her interests can change rapidly. She's not afraid of taking risks, but that can get her into serious trouble sometimes. Likewise, she's not really afraid of anyone, even when she should be.

Natalie also has a tendency to be awfully stubborn. She'll give different ideas a chance, but once she's settled on a way of thinking, she won't let it go.

Also, she holds grudges. She won't get seriously angry often, but if you bring that out in her, she won't forget it.

She tends to feel things too deeply. People may not make her angry easily, but if they set out with the intent to hurt her, chances are that they'll succeed. And she has a bad habit of not turning to anyone for help or comfort or support -- she'd much rather take care of her own problems herself, and doesn't like opening up to people or admitting it when something's wrong.

Describe your character's physical attributes. If you have a preferred PB, state it here -- although check the list in first!: Kristen Bell, please. :)

Is your character Muggle born, a half breed, or a pureblood? Explain it. She's, like, 3/4? haha. Her father was muggleborn, though her mother is a pureblood. She doesn't come from one of the "pompous" families, though... but they are pretty well off.

Character Background/History:

She grew up in England with her parents, who she gets along with well enough -- as well as any child. She loves her parents, but they aren't extremely close. She has two older brothers, and gets along with the younger of them, Justin, fabulously, though not so much with the elder, Chris, who she barely speaks to even when they're home together.

Her family is not overly rich, but they are pretty well off. Natalie is slightly spoiled, though, both due to being the youngest and the only girl. She had a pretty happy childhood, all in all.

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