Ministry of Defense (Pinguinum)

From Nova

Ministry of the Defense
Location: Avie, Pinguinum
Country: Kingdom of Pinguinum
Minister: Rt. Hon. David Seabed MPP
Ministerial staff:
Address: 5 Wateredge Lane

Borough of Whitesea
AA1 W01

Telephone: +48 (0)1 4240 4500
Website: PinGov: Defense Ministry


Offices and Sections

Office of the Army

Office of the Navy

Office of the Air Force


  • Pinguinian Militia (1505-1540)
A group of armed men sprung up from the settlers and patrolled the land.
The sailors already had guns which were all salvaged from the shipwreck years earlier.
  • Military Council (1540-1600)

The nation's first standing army was created with the estblishment of a council, which included all offices.

  • Royal Military Council (1600-1650)
The King granted the council the use of the prefix 'Royal'.
They started to design ships based on the ones they had arrived on.
These had no embattlements but the armed men had already been trained as sailors.
  • Royal Military Board (1650-1700)
The Council became a division and included both the newly created navy and the establised army.
  • Ministry of the Military (1700-1800)
With the Parliament Act coming in and government being granted legislative power, the Royal Board became a Ministry.
It took over the functions of the board and reorganised its structure.
  • Ministry of the Army, Navy, Air (1800-1900)
The Ministry divided into Army, Navy and Air Ministries.
  • Ministry of the Armed Forces (1900-1940)
These ministries then unified into one ministry.
Somewhere down the line about 1920, aircraft were constructed.
These were introduced into the armed force about 1925 as the Navy Air Section.
It continued to develop into the nation's very first air force
  • Ministry of Defense (1940-present)
The modern era - the ministry was reorganised and renamed to reflect its new role in defense.
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