Pinguinian Kingdom Army

From Nova



1st Division

1st Mechanised Brigade

  • 1st Avie City Regiment
  • 1st Furr Regiment
  • 1st Feather Regiment
  • 1st Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
  • 3rd Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
  • 1st Heart Regiment

1st Armored Brigade

  • 1st Ala Regiment
  • 1st Bianchi Regiment
  • 2nd Bianchi Regiment
  • 1st Logistics Regiment
  • 1st Transport Regiment
  • 1st REME Regiment

2nd Mechanised Brigade

  • 2nd Avie City Regiment
  • 2nd Furr Regiment
  • 2nd Feather Regiment
  • 2nd Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
  • 4th Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Heart Regiment

2nd Armored Brigade

  • 2nd Ala Regiment
  • 1st Flipper Regiment
  • 2nd Flipper Regiment
  • 2nd Logistics Regiment
  • 2nd Transport Regiment
  • 2nd REME Regiment

2nd Division

3rd Armored Brigade

  • Bluesea Regiment
  • 1st Command Regiment
  • Cougars Regiment
  • 3rd Logistics Regiment
  • 3rd Transport Regiment
  • 3rd REME Regiment

4th Armored Brigade

  • Lake Dexter Regiment
  • 2nd Command Regiment
  • Ocelots Regiment
  • 4th Logistics Regiment
  • 4th Transport Regiment
  • 4th REME Regiment

5th Armored Brigade

  • 1st Royal Tank Regiment
  • 2nd Royal Tank Regiment
  • 1st Costa Regiment
  • Armoured Legion Regiment
  • 1st MPC Regiment
  • Silver Shell Regiment

1st Infantry Brigade

  • Advanced Militia Regiment
  • First Blood Mercenary Regiment
  • 1st Infantry Regiment
  • 2nd Infantry Regiment
  • 1st Flipper Regiment
  • Royal White Jackets Regiment

3rd Division

3rd Mechanised Brigade

  • Greensea Regiment
  • Passero Lido Regiment
  • 1st Gunnery Regiment
  • 1st Howitzer Regiment
  • 2nd Howitzer Regiment
  • 1st Parma Regiment

4th Mechanised Brigade

  • Lake Sinister Regiment
  • Magellan Lido Regiment
  • 2nd Gunnery Regiment
  • 3rd Howitzer Regiment
  • 4th Howitzer Regiment
  • 2nd Parma Regiment

5th Mechanised Brigade

  • 1st Royal Powder Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Royal Powder Artillery Regiment
  • 2nd Costa Regiment
  • Mechanised Legion Regiment
  • 2nd MPC Regiment
  • Iron Fist Regiment

1st Air Assault Brigade

  • AAC Regiment
  • 1st Parachute Regiment
  • 1st Air Assault Regiment
  • 2nd Air Assault Regiment
  • 1st Uccello Regiment
  • 3rd Royal Signal Regiment

4th Division

2nd Infantry Brigade

  • Basic Militia Regiment
  • Second Blood Mercenary Regiment
  • 3rd Infantry Regiment
  • 4th Infantry Regiment
  • 2nd Flipper Regiment
  • Royal Black Jackets Regiment

2nd Air Assault Brigade

  • AFC Regiment
  • 2nd Parachute Regiment
  • 1st Air Assault Regiment
  • 2nd Air Assault Regiment
  • 2nd Uccello Regiment
  • 4th Royal Signal Regiment

3rd Infantry Brigade

  • 1st King's Own Regiment
  • 1st Light Foot Regiment
  • Royal Acrobatic Regiment
  • Black Ice Regiment
  • 1st Heavy Foot Regiment
  • 1st Marching Crew Regiment

3rd Air Assault Brigade

  • The Eagles Regiment
  • The Blackbirds Regiment
  • 1st Winger Regiment
  • 1st Kingfisher Regiment
  • 1st Red Breast Regiment
  • Starling Regiment

5th Division

4th Infantry Brigade

  • 2nd King's Own Regiment
  • 2nd Light Foot Regiment
  • Royal Athletic Regiment
  • Iceberg Regiment
  • 2nd Heavy Foot Regiment
  • 2nd Marching Crew Regiment

4th Air Assault Brigade

  • The Falcon Regiment
  • The Owls Regiment
  • 2nd Winger Regiment
  • 2nd Kingfisher Regiment
  • 2nd Red Breast Regiment
  • Sparrow Regiment

5th Infantry Brigade

  • 1st Beach Head Regiment
  • 2nd Beach Head Regiment
  • 1st Dukes Regiment
  • 2nd Dukes Regiment
  • 4th MPC Regiment
  • Golden Tuft Regiment

5th Air Assault Brigade

  • 1st High Peak Regiment
  • 2nd High Peak Regiment
  • 3rd Dukes Regiment
  • 4th Dukes Regiment
  • 3rd MPC Regiment
  • White Blinder Regiment

Islands Division

Isola Spazio Brigade

  • 1st Island Regiment
  • 1st ASP Guard Regiment
  • 2nd ASP Guard Regiment
  • Space Patrol Regiment
  • SEC Regiment
  • Perimeter Guard Regiment

Isola Terra Brigade

  • 2nd Island Regiment
  • 1st Loyal Nerobian Regiment
  • 2nd Loyal Nerobian Regiment
  • Terran Regiment
  • Nerobian Warrior Regiment
  • Spear Heads Regiment

Isola Nuova Brigade

  • 3rd Island Regiment
  • Finance Guard Regiment
  • Governor Mansion Regiment
  • Nuovan Trade Regiment
  • Merchantine Regiment
  • Commerce Corps Regiment

Home Guards Division

Royal Guards Brigade

  • Faith Guards Regiment
  • Royal Palace Regiment
  • Wateredge Gates Regiment
  • Royal Waimanu Regiment
  • Queen's Loyal Regiment
  • Yellow Beak Regiment

Home Guards Brigade

  • Maritime Beach Regiment
  • Supreme Penguin Regiment
  • PCO-MB Regiment
  • Crown Treasury Regiment
  • Whitesea Regiment
  • The Black Cap Regiment

Auxillary Brigade

  • 1st Royal Signal Regiment
  • 2nd Royal Signal Regiment
  • Medical Corps Regiment
  • Musician Corps Regiment
  • Theatre Corps Regiment
  • Faith Corps Regiment
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