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Foresight is a drug originating from Alfegos. It is a very powerful hallucingogen, noted for its effect of the user believing they are seeing the future.
A specimen of Ysalvi Fegos


Chemical Properties

Foresight, or Iolvaic Lysergic Diethylamine Acid (ILDA) is a colourless acidic solid at room temperature. It has a similar makeup to LSD, except for the Iolvaic chain of nitrogen and carbon atoms that are attached to the molecule. As a result, the larger molecule can not be absorbed through the skin, but has to be ingested orally, breathed in as a spray or (more rarely) used intravenously.

Harevsting and Processing

Foresight is found in the leaves of the plant Ysalvi Fegosat a level of about 5mg per leaf, where it is used as a poison against insects. Therefore many of these plants, which can only be found in certain areas of Alfegos have to be harvested and the chemical extracted from a pulp of the leaves by distillation for economically viable amounts to be produced.

The leaves, once collected, are dissolved in sulphuric acid to remove impurities, and the remaining sediment filtered using chemicals such as bleach. The final substance, a dirty-yellow powder, is reacted with a mix of organic acids to leave only the pure substance.

Effects of Consumption

Upon entering the body, the drug is carried by the bloodstream to the brain. Here, it causes areas of the brain associated with the senses and with memory to become hyperactive, thus providing the almost realistic hallucinations that are similar to dreams. it also causes a flood of endorphins in the body. The effects last for up to 72 hours with a dose of 1mg being taken, before being completely broken down by the liver.

Side Effects

The drug in its use can cause the user to experience bad trips, which can have an adverse effect on them. They may think they can fly, which means that some may fall off buildings. After repetitive use, the drug will start to cause brain and liver damage, with potential trips occuring even when the drug is not in the system, along with flashbacks of bad trips. Depression can come as a result of endorphin receptors being damage.


An overdose of 1500mg will,after 10 minutes, cause the brain to become hyperactive in all its parts, resulting in massive damage to the cerebellum and to the central controlling area of the brain. As a result brain death will occur, followed by cardiac arrest.

Lower overdoses of 700mg and higher will cause permanent emotionary inhibition, producing a flood of hormones enough to shut down the sensors in the brain responsible for most emotions. Such users are known as "apaths".


In Alfegos, Foresight in prepared form is a Class A Hallucinogen, while in the form of the plant is a Class C Hallucinogen. It is illegal in many other nations in Nova.


A single tablet, containing between 2-10mg of Foresight, costs Æ10-20. Stronger doses of up to 200mg cost upwards of Æ70. In spray/power form, it costs Æ20 per gram, cut with other substances normally so that it contains Æ20-50mg.

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