
From Nova

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The Neo-Synthetic Culture Space of Mephras is a unique socialist nation which resides in the nation of Nova. It finds itself as a blend of an extremely free society, yet one where many things are tightly controlled. It is a nation which stresses both individual achievement, and the power of social interaction and cohesion. Ruled in recent history by a Pop Star Empress, the nation has found itself isolated among Novans, however it has become increasingly prosperous and peaceful in recent years.



The Government of Mephras is officially lead by Her Royal Highness, Mei Mian, the Empress, however most real power is vested within a series of assemblies, which are democratically elected. The first national assembly, the Voice of the People, holds representatives for each 500,000 Mephrasians. The Mephrasian Peoples House holds 200 representatives, elected by all the people. A council of 11 is also elected by the people to serve for life. They review the decisions of the other assemblies, along with the Empress, who has the power to veto all laws passed by the two assemblies. The veto, however, can be overridden by a 2/3 votes of both assemblies, or a 7/11 vote of the council of 11.

Along with these assemblies, are assemblies at regional, state, and local levels. Each has power over various other portions of the lives of the people. Democratic political action is encouraged on every level of society, and almost all facets of life have some form of democratic process.

Mephrasian Life

To be finished


Mephras is located on the Southwest of a continent in the region of Nova. The area of the nation is approximately 3,000,000 square kilometers. The climate is generally humid and subtropical, although it turns increasingly tropical in the south of the nation, and can get cooler in the northern elevations. Rainfall is plentiful in the south, moderate in the central areas, and somewhat sparing in the extreme northeastern part of the country. A small mountain range runs through the north central part of the nation. Mephras shares a border with Damirez to the North, and a few other nations to the east.


The Mephrasian state runs what is largely considered a socialist economy, although certain elements of the free market are allowed to operate. There is an emphasis on self sufficiency, although with increasing population, this has been difficult to achieve. Recent estimates put the GDP per capita (PPP) at 36900. Income equality is stressed, which prevents Mephras from having an extreme economic elite, although a more wealthy general populace. All economic decisions are completely transparent, and are subject to the vote of the populace, although a 2/3 vote is needed to change the course of a state run industry. (Not finished)

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