Pinguinian (language)

From Nova

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Verbs to know

  • to be - essere
  • to have - avere
  • to do - fare
  • to see - vedere
  • to read - leggere
  • to write - scrivere
  • to love - amare
  • to want - volere
  • to hate - odiare
  • to buy - comprare
  • to stay - remanere
  • to go - andare
  • to return - ritornare
  • to arrive - arrivare
  • to leave (something) - lasciare
  • to leave (a place) - partire
  • to drink - bevere
  • to eat - mangiare
  • to watch - guardae
  • to be able to - potere
  • to know (knowledge) - sapere
  • to know (a person) - conoscere
  • to find - trovare
  • to lose - perdere
  • to win - vincere
  • to travel - viaggiare
  • to drive - guidare
  • to ski - sciare
  • to walk - camminare
  • to run - correre
  • to build - construire
  • to learn - imparare
  • to speak - parlare
  • to use - usare

Verb tenses

Verb tense: present

Most verbs follow one pattern but where there are two verbs with the same stem such as volare and volere, these are treated slightly differently. Most verbs are conjugated by doubling the last consonant of the stem and adding the relevant conjugations.

Eg. mangiare (to eat) becomes mangig- plus

Singular Plural
1st Person -o -iamo
2nd Person -ai -ate
3rd Person -a -ano

Eg. parlare (to speak) removing the root and adding the consonant becomes parll- plus adding -o makes it parllo.

I speak Pinguinian = Parllo pinguiniano

Verb tense: past-repetitive
Verb tense: past-singular
Verb tense: past-progressive
Verb tense: present-progressive
Verb tense: future
Verb tense: conditional

Basic useful info


  • la, l' (m. sing.)
  • le (f. pl.)
  • il, lo, l' (m. sing.)
  • i, gli (m. pl.)

Important nouns


  • water - acqua
  • mineral water - acqua minerala
  • juice - succho (di arancio, di mela, di limona)
  • milk - latta
  • cream - crema
  • coffee - caffa
  • tea - ta
  • hot chocolate - ciocolatta calda
  • martini - martini
  • margarita - margherita

Fruits and vegetables

  • apple - mela
  • banana - banana
  • orange - arancio
  • pear - pera
  • grape - uva
  • lemon - limona
  • grapefruit - pompelmo
  • strawberry - fragola
  • peach - pesca
  • plum - pruna
  • tomato - pomodoro
  • pineapple - anana
  • watermelon - anguria
  • lettuce - lattuga
  • broccoli - broccoli
  • onion - cipola
  • garlic - aglio
  • potato - patato

Meat and others

  • lamb - agnello
  • chicken - pollo
  • pork - porco
  • ham - prosciutto
  • sausage - salciccia (di porco)
  • eggs - uove

Ordering a meal

  • soup - zuppa
  • salad - insalata
  • main course - primo piatto

Body parts

  • head - testa
  • neck - collo
  • arm - braccia
  • leg - gamba
  • heart - cuora
  • eye - occhio
  • ear - orrecchio
  • mouth - bocca
  • nose - naso
  • tongue - lingua
  • sexual organs - organi sessuali

Travel and transportation

  • airplane - aeroplani
  • airport - aeroporti
  • flight - volo
  • taxi - tassi
  • car - macchina
  • train - treno
  • ferry - traghetto
  • bicycle - bicicletta
  • road - via
  • street - strada
  • bridge - ponto
  • highway - autostrada


  • hotel - albergo
  • motel - alberghino
  • guest house - pensiona
  • hostel - ostelia
  • house - casa
  • pool - piscina


  • bedroom - stanza da letto
  • bathroom - stanza da bagno
  • kitchen - cucina
  • games room - sala da giochi
  • garden - giardino

Nature (flora & fauna)

  • tree - albero
  • flower - fiora
  • grass - erba
  • dog - cano
  • cat - gatta
  • mouse - musa
  • bear - ursa
  • fish - pesco
  • snake - serpentina
  • eagle - aquila
  • bird - uccello
  • sky - cielo
  • cloud - nuvola
  • sun - sola
  • moon - luna


  • north - nordo
  • south - sudo
  • east - esta
  • west - ovesta
  • northwest - nordovesta
  • northeast - nordesta
  • southwest - sudovesta
  • southeast - sudesta


  • football - calzio
  • rugby - rugbo
  • hockey - hocchia
  • golf - golfo
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