Pinguinian Kingdom Army
From Nova
Contents |
1st Division
1st Mechanised Brigade
- 1st Avie City Regiment
- 1st Furr Regiment
- 1st Feather Regiment
- 1st Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
- 1st Costa Regiment
- 1st Heart Regiment
1st Armored Brigade
- 1st Ala Regiment
- 1st Bianchi Regiment
- 2nd Bianchi Regiment
- 1st Logistics Regiment
- 1st Transport Regiment
- 1st REME Regiment
2nd Mechanised Brigade
- 2nd Avie City Regiment
- 2nd Furr Regiment
- 2nd Feather Regiment
- 2nd Royal Horse Artillery Regiment
- 2nd Costa Regiment
- 2nd Heart Regiment
2nd Armored Brigade
- 2nd Ala Regiment
- 1st Flipper Regiment
- 2nd Flipper Regiment
- 2nd Logistics Regiment
- 2nd Transport Regiment
- 2nd REME Regiment
2nd Division
3rd Armored Brigade
4th Armored Brigade
5th Armored Brigade
1st Infantry Brigade
- Advanced Militia Regiment
- First Blood Mercenary Regiment
- 1st Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Infantry Regiment
- 1st Flipper Regiment
- Royal White Jackets Regiment
3rd Division
3rd Mechanised Brigade
4th Mechanised Brigade
5th Mechanised Brigade
1st Air Assault Brigade
- AAC Regiment
- 1st Parachute Regiment
- 1st Air Assault Regiment
- 2nd Air Assault Regiment
- 1st Uccello Regiment
- 3rd Royal Signal Regiment
4th Division
2nd Infantry Brigade
- Basic Militia Regiment
- Second Blood Mercenary Regiment
- 3rd Infantry Regiment
- 4th Infantry Regiment
- 2nd Flipper Regiment
- Royal Black Jackets Regiment
2nd Air Assault Brigade
- AFC Regiment
- 2nd Parachute Regiment
- 1st Air Assault Regiment
- 2nd Air Assault Regiment
- 2nd Uccello Regiment
- 4th Royal Signal Regiment
3rd Infantry Brigade
3rd Air Assault Brigade
5th Division
4th Infantry Brigade
4th Air Assault Brigade
5th Infantry Brigade
5th Air Assault Brigade
Islands Division
Isola Spazio Brigade
- 1st Island Regiment
- 1st ASP Guard Regiment
- 2nd ASP Guard Regiment
- Space Patrol Regiment
- SEC Regiment
- Perimeter Guard Regiment
Isola Terra Brigade
- 2nd Island Regiment
- 1st Loyal Nerobian Regiment
- 2nd Loyal Nerobian Regiment
- Terran Regiment
- Nerobian Warrior Regiment
- Spear Heads Regiment
Isola Nuova Brigade
- 3rd Island Regiment
- Finance Guard Regiment
- Governor Mansion Regiment
- Nuovan Trade Regiment
- Merchantine Regiment
- Commerce Corps Regiment
Home Guards Division
Royal Guards Brigade
- Faith Guards Regiment
- Royal Palace Regiment
- King's Blue Sash Regiment
- The Royal Black and White Regiment
- Queen's Loyal Regiment
- Yellow Beak Regiment
Home Guards Brigade
- Maritime Beach Regiment
- Supreme Penguin Regiment
- PCO-MB Regiment
- 1st King's Own Regiment
- 2nd King's Own Regiment
- The Black Cap Regiment
Auxillary Brigade
- 1st Royal Signal Regiment
- 2nd Royal Signal Regiment
- Medical Corps Regiment
- Musician Corps Regiment
- Theatre Corps Regiment
- Faith Corps Regiment