Nova:Categorical index

From Nova

Revision as of 14:04, 9 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)


Art and culture
Geography and places
Health and fitness

History and events
Natural sciences and nature
People and self

Religion and belief systems
Social sciences and society
Technology and applied sciences

Art and culture

Main categories: Arts and Culture

Culture and Humanities  – Cultural movements • Celebrities • Cooking • Entertainment • Food and drink • Games • Languages • Literature • Mass media • Parties • Pets • Philosophy • Popular culture • Publications • Radio • Television • Traditions • Tourism • Toys

Arts and Entertainment – Arts and crafts • Festivals • Hobbies • Humor • Literature • Museums • Poetry
Performing arts – Dance • Film • Music • Opera • Theatre
Visual arts – Architecture • Crafts • Design • Drawing • Film (Animation) • Comics • Painting • Photography • Sculpture
Sports – Auto racing • Baseball • Basketball • Boxing • Canoeing • Cricket • Cycling • Golf • Gymnastics • Horse racing • Ice hockey • Lacrosse • Olympics • Rugby • Sailing • Skiing • Football • Swimming • Tennis • Track & field • Whitewater sports
Mass media – Film • Newspapers • Publications • Publishing • Radio • Television

Geography and places

Main category: Geography

Nova • Cities • Deserts • Lakes • Landforms • Maps • Mountains • Oceans • Parks • Rivers • Subterranea • Towns • Villages

By Nation – Pinguinum • Alfegos • Prevania • Damirez • Kansiov • Mephras • Bredford • Etoile Arcture

Health and fitness

History and events

Main categories: History and Events

By Period • By Topic • History of science • Historiography • Timelines

Natural sciences and nature

Main categories: Science, Natural sciences, and Nature

Biology • Ecology • Health sciences • Medicine • Neuroscience • (See also the Health and fitness section above)

Physical sciences • Astronomy • Chemistry • Climate • Earth sciences • Physics • Space

Nature: • Animals • Environment • Humans • Life • Natural resources • Plants • Pollution

People and self

Main categories: People, Personal life, and Self

People • Beginners and newcomers • Children • Heads of state • Men • Old age • Political people • Rivalry • Social groups • Subcultures • Women • Activists • Actors • Astronauts • Billionaires • Chief executives • Colonial people • Composers • Cyborgs • Defectors • Generals • Humanitarians • Innovators • Inventors • Legal people • Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered • Monarchs • Musicians • Musical groups • Philosophers • Politicians • Presidents • Princes • Revolutionaries • Scientists • Settlers • Slaves • Victims • People associated with war • World record holders • Writers

Self • Alter egos • Consciousness studies • Gender • Personality • Sexuality • Sexual orientation and identity

Personal life • Clothing • Employment • Entertainment • Food and drink • Games • Health • Hobbies • Home • Income • Interpersonal relationships • Leisure • Love • Motivation • Personal development • Pets

Religion and belief systems

Main categories: Religion and Belief

Allah • Bible • Buddhas • Deities • Demons • Exorcism • God • Jesus • Mythology • Occult • Prayer • Prophecy • Qur'an • Religious ethics • Religious law • Religious philosophy and doctrine • Ritual • Spirituality • Theology 

Belief systems • Religious faiths, traditions, and movements • Agnosticism • Animism • Atheism • Monotheism • Mysticism • New Age • Paganism • Polytheism • Shamanism • Skepticism • Spiritualism •

Major beliefs of the region  • Agnosticism • Atheism • Buddhism • Christianity • Hinduism • Islam • Judaism •

Mythology • Mythology by culture • Abrahamic mythology • Buddhist mythology • Christian mythology • Hindu mythology • Islamic mythology • Jewish mythology 

Social sciences and society

Technology and applied sciences

Main categories: Technology and Applied sciences

Agriculture • Architecture • Artificial intelligence • Automation • Biotechnology • Cartography • Chemical engineering • Communication (Media studies • Telecommunications) • Construction • Design • Electronics • Energy • Ergonomics • Firefighting • Forensics • Forestry • Industry • Information science • Information technology • Internet • Management • Manufacturing • Marketing • Medicine • Military science • Mining • Nanotechnology • Nuclear technology • Nutrition • Optics • Robotics • Sound technology • Space exploration • Technology forecasting • Tools

Computer science • Computing • Free software • Programming • Software engineering

Engineering • Civil engineering • Mechanical engineering • Structural engineering • Materials

Transportation: By country • Automobiles • Aviation • Cycling • Public transport • Rail transport • Road transport • Shipping • Spaceflight • Vehicles • Water transport

Personal tools
Navigation tools
Other sites