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{{Infobox Country
| conventional_long_name      = The Amalgamated Weccanfelt Republics of Neu Saxondonia, Ceol, Ealand and monarchy of Moram
| common_name                = The Woken Republic of Weccand
| image_flag                  =
| image_coat                  =
| symbol_type                =
| image_map                  =
| map_caption                =
| national_motto              =
| national_anthem            = Upon the Heath
| official_languages          = Weccanfelt
| regional_languages          = Moramic, Neu Frisian
| demonym                    = Weccanfelt, Weccanfeldian, Weccanfeldisce
| capital                    = [[Hlédaíeg]] ([[Greater Heahburg]])
| largest_city                = Greater Heahburg
| government_type            = [[Parliamentary system|Parliamentary democracy]] and [[Constitutional monarchy]]
| leader_title1              = [[First Minister of the Council of Fifteen|First Minister]]
| leader_name1                = [[First Minister Joanhathon Iswald Cromtoan OBF LfL|Joanhathon Iswald Cromtoan]]
| sovereignty_type            = [[History of Weccanfeld|Formation]]
| sovereignty_note            =
| established_event1          = [[Act of Protectorate 1867]]
| established_date1          = 1 May 1867
| established_event2          = [[First Act of Independence]]
| established_date2          = 30 January 1905
| established_event3          = [[Second Act of Independence]]
| established_date3          = 23rd June, 1941
| established_event4          = [[Act of Union]]
| established_date4          = XXX
| area_km2                    = XXX
| area_sq_mi                  = XXX
| percent_water              = XXX
| population_estimate_year    = mid-2006
| population_estimate        = 3,476,000,000
| population_density_km2      = XXX
| population_density_sq_mi    = XXX
| GDP_PPP_year                = 2006
| GDP_PPP                    = $2.375 [[1000000000000 (number)|trillion]]
| GDP_PPP_rank                = 6th
| GDP_PPP_per_capita          = $35,051
| GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank    = 13th
| GDP_nominal                = $2.660.7 [[1000000000000 (number)|trillion]]{{Ref|6}}
| GDP_nominal_rank            = 5th
| GDP_nominal_year            = 2007
| GDP_nominal_per_capita      = $38,624
| GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 12th
| HDI                        = XXX
| HDI_category                = XXX
| Gini                        = XXX
| Gini_year                  = XXX
| Gini_category              = XXX
| currency                    = XXX
| currency_code              = XXX
| country_code                = WEC
| calling_code                = XX
| vehicle_code                = GB
| accessdate =
| accessdaymonth =
| accessmonthday = [[May 29]]
| accessyear = [[2006]]
| author =
| last =
| first =
| authorlink =
| coauthors =
| date =
| year =
| month =
| format =
| work =
| publisher = UK Presidency of the EU 2005
| pages =
| language =

Current revision as of 01:53, 21 December 2007

{{Infobox Country | conventional_long_name = The Amalgamated Weccanfelt Republics of Neu Saxondonia, Ceol, Ealand and monarchy of Moram | common_name = The Woken Republic of Weccand | image_flag = | image_coat = | symbol_type = | image_map = | map_caption = | national_motto = | national_anthem = Upon the Heath | official_languages = Weccanfelt | regional_languages = Moramic, Neu Frisian | demonym = Weccanfelt, Weccanfeldian, Weccanfeldisce | capital = Hlédaíeg (Greater Heahburg) | largest_city = Greater Heahburg | government_type = Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy | leader_title1 = First Minister | leader_name1 = Joanhathon Iswald Cromtoan | sovereignty_type = Formation | sovereignty_note = | established_event1 = Act of Protectorate 1867 | established_date1 = 1 May 1867 | established_event2 = First Act of Independence | established_date2 = 30 January 1905 | established_event3 = Second Act of Independence | established_date3 = 23rd June, 1941 | established_event4 = Act of Union | established_date4 = XXX | area_km2 = XXX | area_sq_mi = XXX | percent_water = XXX | population_estimate_year = mid-2006 | population_estimate = 3,476,000,000 | population_density_km2 = XXX | population_density_sq_mi = XXX | GDP_PPP_year = 2006 | GDP_PPP = $2.375 trillion | GDP_PPP_rank = 6th | GDP_PPP_per_capita = $35,051 | GDP_PPP_per_capita_rank = 13th | GDP_nominal = $2.660.7 trillionTemplate:Ref | GDP_nominal_rank = 5th | GDP_nominal_year = 2007 | GDP_nominal_per_capita = $38,624 | GDP_nominal_per_capita_rank = 12th | HDI = XXX | HDI_category = XXX | Gini = XXX | Gini_year = XXX | Gini_category = XXX | currency = XXX | currency_code = XXX | country_code = WEC | calling_code = XX | vehicle_code = GB | accessdate = | accessdaymonth = | accessmonthday = May 29 | accessyear = 2006 | author = | last = | first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | year = | month = | format = | work = | publisher = UK Presidency of the EU 2005 | pages = | language =

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