From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 05:17, 30 April 2007 by BobTHJ (Talk | contribs)
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This is a proposal to enact a rule.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.

Proposed By BobTHJ 01:17, 30 April 2007 (EDT)

Each geographical region of Nomicapolis shall have a value "Fortune" and a value "Seed", both values will default to 0. On the first day of each month, the Scorekeeper shall determine the Seed and Fortune value of each geographical region of Nomicapolis as follows:

1. Beginning with the previous month's Seed value the Scorekeeper shall add one to the Seed value for each letter in the name of the geographical region.

2. The Scorekeeper shall add X to the Seed value, where X is the number corresponding to the first letter of the name of the geographical region in the sequence A=1, B=2, etc.

3. The Scorekeeper shall add the previous month's Fortune value to the Seed value.

4. If the seed value is greater than 50, then reduce it by 50.

5. The Scorekeeper shall consult the Recent Changes page. Consulting changes that have occurred in the previous month, the Scorekeeper shall count down from the top of the list (moving back in time through past changes) a number of changes equal to the Seed value.

6. The Scorekeeper shall set the Fortune value for that region equal to the ones digit of the minutes portion of the timestamp (0-9).

Seed and Fortune values shall be calculated before population effects are calculated as described in Rule 367. When the Scorekeeper calculates the number of new Infant population members to be added to that region, he/she multiplies that number by (100 + Fortune)%, rounding down.

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