From Nomicapolis

Revision as of 06:43, 21 December 2006 by Dayd (Talk | contribs)
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This is a proposal to enact a rule.
Please contribute to the debate or cast your ballot on the discussion page.

Proposed by--Dayd 01:43, 21 December 2006 (EST)

After a vote where the out come is passed or failed (examples may include: rule proposal votes, improper proposal votes) a popularity rating will be assessed toward everyone who voted.

  • A vote cast for that is also part of the majority will be worth +15 popularity.
  • A vote cast against that is also part of the majority will be worth +10 popularity.
  • A vote cast for that is also part of the minority will be worth -5 popularity.
  • A vote cast against that is also part of the minority will be worth -10 popularity.

After a vote where one is chosen from many possible choices (examples may include: Judge and Scorekeeper elections) a popularity rating will be assessed toward everyone who voted.

  • A vote cast for the winning choice (i.e. the one with the most votes) will be worth +15 popularity.
  • A vote cast for the runner up choice (i.e. the one with the second most votes) will be worth +5 popularity.
  • A vote cast for the losing choice (i.e. the one with the least amount of votes) will be worth -5 popularity.

Abstaining, along with any other vote that is neither for nor against, shall be worth 0 popularity. In the event of a only one choice being presented +10 popularity would be earned (+15 for winning and -5 for losing choice) In the event of two choices being presented 0 popularity would be earned for the runner up (+5 for runner up and -5 for losing choice) In the event that two choice share the same amount of votes they will be considered tied and will both earn the same ammount of points, regardless of any other method of tie breakers used.

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