From Noescape

Revision as of 21:28, 17 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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This is the FAQ for Under the Rainbow. Most questions should be answered here, but if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask the mods!



1. There will be no character limit for this game, providing you can keep all of your characters active. However, you will only be allowed 2 major characters per fandom, so if you were playing Peter Petrelli and Sylar, you could not play Mohinder, unless it was an alternate version. Minor characters are okay to have a few more of, though.

Original characters within a particular fandom are allowed, providing that you write a detailed bio to prove that they are not a Mary Sue. An example of what we are looking for can be found here.

2. You MUST be at least 18 years of age to participate in this game, since it will likely contain adult content and be pretty dark.

3. All threads must be rated, NC-17 threads must be behind a cut and properly labeled. There will be an NC-17 tag created for this purpose, please use it. In addition all dark stuff: incest/non con/extreme violence/etc must also be behind a cut and properly labeled under the warning tag

Threads should follow this format:

4. Repeat PBs are perfectly fine, as well as multiple versions of characters, but it is strongly suggested that you speak to the person playing the current version of the character before bringing in another version. For example if someone was playing Clark Kent from Smallville, and someone else wanted to play Clark Kent from Superman Returns, they should check with the current Clark player to see if that is okay. Please no more than two versions of a character per person, we don't want someone playing three Buffys.

5. IC | OOC

See the line? Good. Do not cross it.

6. Please remember that the admins are here to play as well. Be courteous and polite to everyone, that includes the admins. We are not here to rule with iron fists. We are here to enjoy the game as much as the members. In other words, don't be a douche/asshat/cocknozzle/fuckwit/twatwaffle or any other equally disturbing curse word we could come up with. Failure to adhere to this rule, will result in immediate removal from the game.

7. While we won't require it, it would be beneficial to have AIM so that other players can get ahold of you. We suggest putting it in your userinfo, if you are not comfortable doing this, there will be a friends-locked contact list post in the mod journal.

8. If adult content such as sex, violence, and adult language offends you, this is not the game for you. If you do not like something that someone is doing, please just do not read it.

9. There will be a four week posting limit for all characters. This means that if you fail to make any posts with your character within a month and you have not asked for an official hiatus, your character will be removed from the community. We want to keep this game active. Additionally, once your application is accepted you have 48 hours to post an introduction in the message community, or a thread in the main community. Failure to do so will result in your removal from the community. This may be harsh but the moderators of this game have been in games where a person joins and never posts. We do not want that happening here.

10. We will be monitoring this game's activity by using entry tags, because of this, it is very important that you use an entry tag for every post you make. We're going to enable people to create their own tags. Tags should traditionally be a character's first and last name if applicable, for example: Nathan Petrelli's tag would be nathan petrelli. If a character doesn't have a last name or their last name isn't known yet, their tag would be their first name. Example: Elle's tag would be elle. In the event that a last name is given for the character, let the mods know and we will change the tag for you. DO NOT CREATE AN ADDITIONAL TAG FOR YOUR CHARACTER.

11. Try to be true to your character, some leeway is allowed of course, because this whole game is AU, but don't turn beloved characters into horrible Mary-Sues that we all will want to stab in the face.

12. Canon-puncturing is up to the player about to be punctured, you must ask them first AND alert the mods that they have given clearance. Finding out that you are fictional is not an easy thing for a pup, so please ask. It is acceptable to use pop culture references in your characters' everyday speak.

13 A. The strongly encouraged length for a post is at least one full well-structured paragraph, we suggest two but realize sometimes people cannot do that. And sometimes it is okay to do less, but at the minimum we suggest three to five sentences.

B. Additionally, we'd like large posts (over 200 words) to be under an lj-cut, whether they be journal or roleplaying posts. This helps keep friends lists less cluttered and it is better for people with slower connections.

14. Please try and use spell check on your posts. This is very helpful and GJ comes with a spellcheck, we know that typos sometimes cannot be helped, but try and check them as best as you can before submitting.

15. To keep tags clean, we ask that you use the zig-zag tag method, so the box doesn't get really tiny. What we mean is, after 25 posts in one thread, start a new thread under the same post by 'posting a new comment.' If you do not understand this, let us know and we will explain it as best we can.

If you do not know how to use an LJ-cut refer here.

16. If you say that you are going to participate in a thread, please do it, or let the other player(s) know that you can't. Also, if you want to drop a thread, that's perfectly fine but let the other player(s) know. Threads more than a week old with no reply will be considered dead threads.

17. If a character is removed from the game or leaves the game, and you'd like to apply for that character, you can choose to keep their history or have them coming to the island new.

18. Please try to play with characters other than the ones from your fandom, this is why the game is pan-fandom. Some characters will understandably;y be more comfortable with their own people, but please try to mingle. [info]noescapemessage is great to get that started.

19. Characters in this game may die, but if they do, they have the option of coming back on the island, either really pissed that they died, or completely new and not remembering anything about how they got there or being there at all.

20. This is a het and slash friendly community, but let�¢ï¿½ï¿½s keep it realistic. Not every character is going to be gay, though, so please keep this in mind.

21. Make sure that you friend the mod journal and read all of the mod posts, and update your friends lists frequently.

22. In regards to marriages and divorces. Marriages are allowed. Both parties must be in complete agreement of the situation. If for some reason, there is a split and the couple goes their separate ways a divorce is allowed. Please make the time frame believable though. Basically, if two characters get married in the game and want a divorce it can't be the very next post that it is finalized. While it is understood that this is only a game and things are sped up considerably, keep in mind that we want to keep things as believable as possible.

23. Babies! Yes folks, your characters are allowed to procreate. It's nature and it does happen. If they have sex, they will eventually get pregnant. So keep this as real as possible as well. Agreed upon by both parties and please make the pregnancy last longer than a week. Try shooting for at least 2-3 months. It stands to reason that if you are in an SL with another player and the characters are getting along well enough to procreate..you can keep the pregnancy going to at least as long as suggested.

24. We do allow miscarriages and abortions. Again, these must be agreed upon by both parties. But, DO NOT MAKE IT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL!! If we find that you are doing it too often, then you will be talked to about it, and if it persists you will be removed from the community.

25. Strikeouts are used to designate comments that were written by a character and then erased. Whispered asides are designated by smaller type.

Above all else, have fun.


Want to apply? Great!

Check the list of taken characters & reserved characters and make yourself a journal that we strongly suggest will be used only for this game, or try to set up a friends filter. We don't want anyone to get confused. Fill out the name and fandom of character in the user information, as well as a Character//PB specific disclaimer and, finally email fetalcoffin@gmail.com, ibonekoen@gmail.com, without.a.script@gmail.com, & balekitten@gmail.com with the following:

OOC Information

Mun Journal:
Previous RP Experience: (this will not effect mod decisions)
How did you hear about us?:

Character Information

Character Name:
Character Fandom:
Journal name & <*lj user="journalname"*>: (Ex: richdudekrptnte & <lj user="richdudekrptnte"> [take out the stars]
Writing Sample: (should be at least 200 words)

Once approved you must also request to join the following comms
noescapeisland, noescapeooc and, noescapemessage.

Adds will be done as applications are received, and removals will be done at the end of every month.

Dropped Characters

To drop a character please comment here

Hiatus Requests

To let us know that you're going on hiatus, please comment here


If you have a comment or a suggestion, please leave a comment here

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