Pup Template

From Noescape

Revision as of 21:19, 17 December 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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This is a template for character pages. You can hit the 'edit' tab and then copy paste this into your character's page. You can find a template for your player page here

Character is from Fandom

Before the Game

You can include information about the character from their fandom here.
Any relevant information, blahblah, whatever you want.

Current Updates

You can tell use who the character replaced, where they are currently living, what their new job is, etc.etc.
You can also update this as often as you like, with what's been going on. Anything you want people to know.

Player Information

Character is played by Admin. Character's PB is Brad Pitt. Character's journal is noescape.

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