Secret Santa

From Nlsiu Batchof2005

Revision as of 02:11, 12 April 2006 by Eli (Talk | contribs)

The Batch of 2005 made plenty of contributions to law school. But twenty years down the line when someone traces back all the little law school institutions and traditions that make us the community that we are, one in particular will be traced back to us. And that is Secret Santa. Come Christmas time every year the entire class would turn into an orgy of sisterly/brotherly gift-giving, chit-passing, identity-hiding love. It gave everyone - even an avowed Santa-basher like me - something to do or talk about. One person made all of this happen - Khushi Mishra. With her driving the sled, the entire class turned into a jamboree of elves and reindeers. Even Gaurav Gupte grew pointy ears, pawed the non-existent snow and made cheerful reindeery sounds once in a while.

Post-script: Rumour has it that this year Sundip Biswas drew Cyril Uncle as his baby when Secret Santa followed Khushi's footsteps to the AMSS Bombay office.

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