Faiz's library

From Nlsiu Batchof2005

Revision as of 10:06, 8 April 2006 by (Talk)

1. The Dancing Wu-Li Masters by Gary Zukaw - progress in 5 years: page 17

2. Plains of Passage by Jane M. Auel - progress in 5 years: page 102

3. The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam- never read, carried in backpack to be yanked out when women are around

4. Letters to Penthouse VI by Various Authors (okay, Faiz didnt own this one) - progress in 5 years: read cover to cover 8 times

5. Palgraves Golden Treasury of Verse- school text, memorized cover to cover


My comments on the above list: In all honesty, I cannot deny number 1 and 2. However, I vociferously declare that I finished the Rubaiyat, and that too in class in the company of a beautiful girl (making it all worthwhile). I deny the fourth entry as well. As for Palgraves, that was a relic from earlier days. Faiz

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