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Niz World of Darkness

[1] Niz Iron Heroes
[2] Nizalted
[3] Niz and Dragons

Rules Changes

Requiem Rules reVamp

“Like all nocturnal creatures, Dracula may go about by day, though it is not his time.”

Vampires do not burn from sunlight. Nor need they necessarily sleep during the day. They are however, very weak during the day.

Once day arrives (any time where there would normally be light enough to burn a Vampire), a Vampire weakens. In addition to the 1 vitae that must be spent at sundown to exist for another night (waking up), a Vampire may spend 1 Vitae right before Sunup to stay awake for the day. If they don’t, they must sleep normally.

If they stay up for the day, there are several effects:

  • Effective Blood Potency drops by -3. This doesn’t remove anything the Vampire already has, or lower their Blood Pool. However, it does limit how many vitae can be spent per turn. If Blood Potency is effectively reduced below 1, the Vampire may not spend vitae at all until sundown.
  • Effective Blood Potency also acts as a cap on the maximum rank of disciplines that may be activated. Devotions are considered for this purpose to be disciplines equal to the highest discipline required, if that rank exceeds what the Vampire may activate, they may not use the devotion.
  • Humanity acts as a cap on all die pools during the day.
  • Sunlight does not provoke a Fear Frenzy, though in some cases the difficulty to resist frenzy may increase during the day due to the overall weakness the vampire feels. Storyteller discretion.

Apply these changes to the Coil of the Banes:

  • Conquer the Red Fear - the +2 does not apply to resist fear frenzy from the sun, there is no such fear. If the ST increases the difficulty to resist Frenzy during the day, this coil should negate the penalty.
  • Surmounting the Daysleep - the Vampire need not spend 1 vitae to stay awake for the day.
  • Sun’s Forgotten Kiss - Add +2 to effective Humanity to determine die caps during the day, max 10.
  • Mortal Burns - Unchanged, though note that sunlight does not cause damage.

Mage Rules Alterations

Improvised Casting:

  • Improvised spells do not cost the 1 additional mana.
  • Path-Arcana exclusive spells, rote or improvised, count their caster’s effective Gnosis as 2 lower for determining paradox caused. This can low the paradox pool to a chance die but no lower.

Character Creation:

  • Mages receive 12 dots worth of rotes at creation, instead of 6.


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