
From Nighthawk

Revision as of 01:39, 21 April 2010 by D3koy (Talk | contribs)




I'm practicing my wiki skills here.

Welcome to the Compuease Wiki

This si blah text to fill space and to make things look important. If you can reaad this then it's doing exactly what it should be. If you're not able to read this, something is wrong. ideally this should be moved to a new page that I will make a template for to link here. There is no reason why we should have all this fat text on this page. it's cluttery and un-professional. Also, templates are useful. More text is to follow: iaweubvgbgf iubgiubrgfghdtrhThis si blah text to fill space and to make things look important. If you can reaad this then it's doing exactly what it should be. If you're not able to read this, something is wrong. ideally this should be moved to a new page that I will make a template for to link here. There is no reason why we should have all this fat text on this page. it's cluttery and un-professional. Also, templates are useful. More text is to follow: iaweubvgbgfi ubgiubrgfghdtrhThis si blah text to fill space and to make things look important. If you can reaad this then it's doing exactly what it should be. If you're not able to read this, something is wrong. ideally this should be moved to a new page that I will make a template for to link here. There is no reason why we should have all this fat text on this page. it's cluttery and un-professional. Also, templates are useful. More text is to follow: iaweubvgbgfiubgiubrgfghdtrhThis si blah text to fill space and to make things look important. If you can reaad this then it's doing exactly what it should be. If you're not able to read this, something is wrong. ideally this should be moved to a new page that I will make a template fo that I will make a template for to link here. There is no reason why we should have all this fat text on this page. it's cluttery and un-professional. Also, templates are useful. More text is to follow:iaweubvgbgfiubgiubrgfghdtrh


  • 4 March 2009
  • 24 November 2008
    • NightHawk Faraday 39.9.9 finished. On time. It is currently available via e-mail request to anidnmeno. Contact info may be found on his userpage.
  • 14 March 2008
    • NightHawk Faraday System 39.9.4, based now on Slackware 12 instead of LFS, install CD iso finished and released internally.

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