Main Page

From Nighthawk

Revision as of 15:17, 24 February 2007 by Anidnmeno (Talk | contribs)

Welcome to the NightHawk wiki!

The informative wiki that anyone can edit.
40 articles in English


Hello, and welcome to the launch pad for a new Faraday OS: NightHawk. This Wiki is dedicated to providing help to all NightHawk users, as well as provide a forum for ideas and suggestions for improvement. So go ahead and make a User account and get started. Good luck and have fun!

A Brief History

NightHawk has been under production for some time now. The OS (Operating System) has been under production of one type or another since the mid 1990's.

Helpful Quick-Links

Recent News

  • 10 February 2006
    • Faraday Anywhere 68K 4.1.0 FINALLY released!!
    • The README can be found Here
  • 9 December 2006
    • Due to a snag in the production, release will be delayed
  • 16 November 2006
    • Wiki site launched in honor of NightHawk OS
  • Release dates confirmed!
    • 30 November 2006
      • Expected first Beta test of NightHawk
    • 14 December 2006
      • Release Second test copy of Night Hawk [FD369900X86]
    • 12 January 2007
      • Release Night Hawk [Internal Version Faraday FD370000X86]
    • 11 March 2007
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