Kentucky Don't Exist!

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Kentucky Don't Exist! is a popular conspiracy theory first introduced by Dr. Nickalaus B.S. Nickel, Ph.D.

As the story goes, long, long ago, a man by the name of Colonel Sanders created a restaurant franchise and named it Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC for short. At the time, Kentucky did not exist and there were only 49 states in the U.S. However, as the success of KFC spread, even the President of the United Effin' States had to get in on that delicious shiznit. So, he made a secret deal with Colonel Sanders. In exchange for free chicken, he had all historical records, including (but not limited to) maps, encyclopedias, and almanacs altered so that they included a fifthieth state, "Kentucky".

To further establish "Kentucky"'s existence, the government even cut off the top half of Tennessee for the land which would constitute "Kentucky". Many other "historical facts" were invented, as well. The public soon accepted Kentucky as a U.S. state, blind to the government's lies.

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