Nick's Family
From Nick Bate Wiki
Over the years, Nick has alternated back-and-forth between living in Washington Boro with his maternal family who doesn't allow him on the Internet and living in Marietta with his paternal family who lets him on the Internet virtually all day long.
Generally, back when Nick was in school, the deal was for him to spend weekdays in Washington Boro and weekends in Marietta. Sometimes he only got one of every two weekends to stay with his dad. And occasionally he'd even go for months without seeing his dad (mostly because his mom won't let him). Other circumstances can change the custody setup, as well, such as when Nick's stepdad crushed his hand, causing him to run away and spend an unscheduled day with his dad.
Currently, Nick spends a week or two at his mom's, then a week or two at his dad's, etc.
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The Maternal Family
When in Washington Boro, Nick now lives with his grandmother. He used to live with his mom, but she's a douche so he moved out.
Nick's biological mother. She enjoys horses, Mountain Dew, chocolate, and apparently abusing children. She has had many jobs in the past, including (but not limited to) professional wrestler, secretary, and... uhh... loader. Whatever that is. Currently, she is an AVON representative, and takes advantage of this by giving everyone AVON products for birthdays and holidays to avoid getting them good gifts.
Her house is a two-story wooden house, painted white with purple shutters (purple is her favorite colour, by the way). Her almost-an-acre yard also sports a garage, a shed (seems there is a difference), a barn, a smaller barn for holding hay bales, several patches of farm, a playground, and a pasture.
She owns four horses and two cows, all of which reside in the barn. She also has eight cats and two St. Bernard dogs. It is obvious she cares more about animals than people. Which would be fine, actually, if she didn't treat people like crap.
She hates everything and will express her hate at great lengths even when it's obvious nobody wants to hear it.
She is particularly enraged by literally everything Nick does and gives him ridiculous rules to live by (such as not speaking the name 'Anna') even though he no longer lives with her and should technically be free from her tyranny. Whenever Nick breaks these stupid rules, she generally shows up in person (or sends her husband) to start a physical fight, then has Nick arrested for assault.
Carol's current husband, whom she apparently cheated on Nick's dad with while they were still married. It is not certain how exactly they met, but they claim they met at a horse riding show. (For the record, Steve doesn't even seem all that interested in horses.)
His interests include motorcycles and hunting. He seems to be handy with fixing things and often spends his time in the garage working on cars.
He is a redneck. Literally.
He is never seen without a cap on, and he is also usually seen smoking tobacco and drinking iced tea.
He also has his own private room, in which he watches movies and stores all his guns and some of his tools. He enters the room in the evenings after dark and is never seen again until morning.
He is not as bad as Carol when it comes to being a jerk, but he has had his moments. Most notably was the afforementioned time when he crushed Nick's hand. Another notable incident was when he was sent to Nick's room (in his grandmother's house, mind you, not his parents' house) to steal all his electronics. Nick attempted to ward him off with a bat, but of course he was arrested as usual.
Amber is Nick's half-sister (born to Carol and Steve), but everyone yells at him when he uses this term and insists he calls her his sister, despite it being incorrect. She is currently seven, just starting first grade.
She likes to play Pokémon on her GBASP or DS, hang out with all their pets, etc. Little girl stuff, you know. Carol does not approve of her liking "boy's things" such as video games.
Amber is probably the least dysfunctional of the entire family, even though it is a bit creepy that she's always asking Nick what sexual things he's going to do with Anna when they're married.
She usually gets along with Nick, but there are also lots of times when she gets mad at him for no reason, causing Carol and Steve to yell at him. They also tend to yell at her often, usually when for things that really aren't her fault. They often make her cry and sometimes even hit her, making Nick suspect he's not the only one they abuse.
Nick's aunt and Carol's sister. She is sometimes alright when she's buying things for him, but she can become extremely annoying. Like the rest of the family, she is very prejudiced against pretty much everyone. Whenever there is concrete evidence that Nick is a member of one of these factions, she will delude herself into thinking there's another explanation. For example, when Nick revealed to her that he is a crossdresser, she attributed this to warmth and insisted that if he is too hot, he should just wear t-shirts instead.
She has also destroyed or defaced many of his possessions, including burning his women's clothes and changing the word 'penis' to 'genis' in a letter Anna sent him.
Despite all this, Joyce is usually Nick's go-to for when Carol mistreats him or Amber. It is usually in vein, however, because no matter what terrible thing Carol has done, Joyce ignores it. She has explictly stated that she doesn't like the things her sister does but has to put up with it because they are related.
She lives a couple of streets away but visits pretty much every day, often multiple times a day, even. She mostly shows up when she takes Nick's grandmother shopping or when Carol and Steve are working on some sort of project and need help with it.
She is a nurse, but not the medical kind. She works in a nursing home, administering pills to old people. Nick often approaches her to ask medical questions, but she never takes him seriously and answers everything with 'take a shower'.
Nick's grandmother (whom he lives with) and Carol and Joyce's mother. She's old and acts old. Any form of technology is beyond her understanding, as evidenced by the fact that when Nick plays video games she asks "what is that thing you're watching".
She doesn't drive or work or really go anywhere. She generally stays in her living room watching TV Land all day. On Sundays, however, she walks to church, which is conveniently located pretty much next door. There is also a fire company next door, and a civic center. And some train tracks. Also, Carol and Steve's house is a short walk up the road (or alleyway).
She also leaves when Joyce comes to take her somewhere, such as to the doctor or the grocery store. Nick always goes along on these trips, assuming he is in Washington Boro and not in Marietta at the time.
She nags Nick aboot pretty much everything, from going to bed to taking showers. Nick pretty much just ignores it, and she doesn't really do anything aboot it except continue nagging him.
Two of Carol and Steve's cats decided to move to Gladys' house, and so they can now be found on her porches or in her yard. She doesn't allow them inside the house, but Nick brings them in sometimes anyway and tries to hide them. Doesn't help that they keep running around right in front of her.
Wendy isn't actually family, but she lives with Joyce and is usually seen at the same time as her, too. They claims to be best friends, but Nick suspects they may be closet lesbians, Wendy being the butch and Joyce being... well, you know.
She works at Turkey Hill Dairy, a plant that makes, like... ice cream and iced tea and stuff.
She, like Steve, seems handing with tools and fixing things and whatnot. She often comes over to work on cars or do amateur carpenter stuff with him.
Paternal Family
In Marietta, Nick lives with his dad and his dad's girlfriend. Home life here is much more relaxed (not for Nick, though), as nobody ever goes anywhere or does anything but play online poker and watch TV all day.
Nick's biological father. He is part Mexican, part German, and part Native American, but he mostly looks Mexican. Actually, he kinda looks Russian what with the black hair and black beard.
When he was married to Carol, he was an alcoholic and kinda abusive. However, their roles have since been swapped and now he's a pretty cool dude while she needs to go to prison forever.
Nowadays he lives with his girlfriend Laura in a trailer. They've never officially gotten married or even engaged, but since they've lived together for so many years, the government probably considers them married by now.
He's pretty weird and you can see which side of the family Nick got most of his traits from. The father-son duo only really have real discussions on the car rides to and from Gladys' house, but when they do converse, they are usually discussing anal sex or something equally perverted. You can probably guess he isn't a bigot like Nick's maternal family. In fact, he thought it was funny when Nick wore a skirt in front of him.
However, he can get mad sometimes, usually when Nick forgets to do a chore or something. Another source of anger is his online poker. He tends to talk to himself when playing video games, and when something doesn't go his way the talking becomes screaming pretty quickly. He also gets into arguments with his girlfriend a lot, usually over the stupidest things. However, no matter how bad it sounds (and it does get pretty bad), they always make up fairly quickly.
He works in construction.
Reuben's girlfriend. She often kicks Nick off of the computer so she can play poker. Other than that, I don't really know much aboot her. Oh, but she has three chihuahuas. So.. yeah.
Real Family
Nick really, really, hates his maternal family, so instead he considers Anna and Jessa to be his wife and sister/mom, respectively. Unfortunately, they both hate him now so he is currently without a family.