User:Nick Bate

From Nick Bate Wiki

This is me. I'm ugly.
This is the reason I grow my hair out.
Me, before the glasses. Still ugly as hell.

I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole! You must bow down to the Almighty Bunghole! I come here to bring your people TP!

Illegible Objects
  1. My bunghole, it speaks loud!
  2. You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!
  3. Nicaragua! Agua for my bunghole!
  4. You are a bunghole, and so am I. There will be more bungholes after me!
  1. I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.
  1. There will be TP for every man.
  2. You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!
  3. I need crappuccino for my bunghole!
  4. Would you like to see my portfolio?
  5. I have a portfolio in my bunghole, with my óleo!
  6. I need piccata for my bunghole!
  7. Come out with your pants down!
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