Some SKF Stuff/Kentucky Campaign
From Nick Bate Wiki
- Premise: Nick sets out to protest Kentucky.
- Characters: Waylon, Taylor, Nick, Mandy, Mike, Baby, Heather, KN, Lame Bush Impersonator
- Settings: Macen's living room, Nick's bedroom, The White House
- Writers: Nick, Waylon
(We start off in Macen's living room. Nick, Mandy and Waylon are sitting there, bored. There is a long pause while Nick does some drooling.)
WAYLON: I... wonder... what's... ON-THE-NEWS!
(We are now shown the TV, which shows the news.)
TAYLOR: Today some dude from Kentucky-
NICK: (interrupting) Kentucky Don't Exist!
TAYLOR: -ran for mayor of some city. However, he lost the election to some chick from Tennessee.
(Cut back to Nick, Mandy and Waylon.)
NICK: In your FACE, Kentucky madman!
MANDY: Why do you hate Kentucky so much?
NICK: It's not that I hate it, I just don't believe in it.
WAYLON: How can you not believe in Kentucky?
NICK: Pfft. Same way YOU don't believe in GOD. You damn heathen.
NICK: Heathen
NICK: Heathen
WAYLON: er-um.......nincompoop?
NICK: Heathen
MANDY: Nick wins
WAYLON: Damn your jew-magic.
(Mike appears in a puff of smoke right inside Waylon, ripping Waylon in two)
WAYLON: GAAaah *dies*
MIKE: Someone say "magic"?
NICK: Mebbe
MANDY: Hey, Nick, maybe you should tell him to use his black magic to blow up Kentucky!
NICK: Okay, number A, you can't blow up something that don't exist, and letter 3, he's right there. Tell him yourself.
NICK: *eyes become spirals* Must... obey... the hot chick... *snaps out of it* Hey, NT, blow up non-existent Kentucky.
MIKE: Don't feel like it.
NICK: Fine. I'll do it myself. BY PROTESTING.
(We now cut to Nick making some picket signs in his bedroom. Baby, Waylon and Mandy are there.)
WAYLON: So now you're making picket signs? I didn't know Jews could protest.
NICK: Umm, I'm a Christian?
WAYLON: You're a Jew.
(Heather appears out of nowhere and punches Waylon.)
NICK: Thanks, hon!
HEATHER: You're welcome, Jew! I mean, Nick!
NICK: *slightly annoyed* ... *gets over it, looks over at Mandy* So I finished the picket signs. Check it!
(Nick holds up a sign, showing the word "Kentucky" crossed out with a No Sign)
MANDY: Okay, okay, pretty good. What else ya got?
(Nick holds up another sign, which reads "Kentucky Don't Exist!")
MANDY: Nice. Is that all?
NICK: Nah, there's more. There's total more, man.
(Nick is interrupted by the phone ringing.)
MANDY: You should probably answer that, Nick.
NICK: I... don't really feel like it.
(Mandy glares at Nick.)
(Cut to Nick on the phone, looking quite PO'd)
NICK: (annoyed) Hello?
GOLIATH: Hey, this is Goliath Dog talking to you over the phone! This is not an automated message!
NICK: Thanks for stating the semi-obvious. Now make yourself semi-transparent and go away.
GOLIATH: I- ...what? Anyway, I heard aboot your protesting from KN, the master of the Internets, so I'm gonna come on over and help ya with it.
NICK: Awesome! Now we have a whole gang of anti-Kentuckyists!
GOLIATH: Hoiry croip, this is gonna be the awesomest protest ever!
NICK: "Hoiry croip"? Oh man, your speech impediment is getting worse.
(Cut to Nick, Mandy, Goliath, Waylon, Baby and Heather in a line-up)
NICK: Woot! Is everyone here? Does we gots all ours equipment?
HEATHER: I'll get YOUR equipment!
NICK: Okay, that's hot, but not at all what I meant.
NARRATOR: And so the group trekked across many worlds and obstacles to reach the promised land of Kentucky!
(Shows montage of the group going through various locations; a screwed-up song plays)
(The group stands in a white screen. KN is there somehow.)
NICK: Alright, we're here.
WAYLON: Ummm....
KN: I thought you guys left.
(white fades into the living room of Macen's House)
MANDY: Oh fuck. This is very not Kentucky.
NICK: Er, well, now that I think aboot it, I'm pretty sure that montage was just a dream sequence.
WAYLON: You mean you screwed up because you're a jew?
WAYLON: Yes you are
NICK: Ugh... (exaggerated rolling of eyes) Mike, can you PUH-LEAZE help us get to Kentucky?
MIKE: How can I get you to a place that doesn't exist?
NICK: DON'T exist. Use yer magic, yo.
MIKE: Alright, first step in transformation is to give me all your money.
NICK: Why?
MIKE: HEY! Don't question the Arts! You will anger the spirits!
NICK: Fine
(Nick takes a giant gold bar out of his back pants pocket, despite the gold bar being larger than the pocket, and gives the bar to NT, who puts it in his cloak pocket thing)
MIKE: Actually, I lied. Transportation has nothing to do with money. Anyway, no, I won't help you. I hate you. You're stupid and terrible.
NICK: :(
HEATHER: Has it ever occurred to you that we could just, like, protest outside the White House instead of having to go the whole way to Kentucky, which doesn't exist?
NICK: (pissed) DON'T exist!
(Cut to everyone on the White House lawn. Waylon is holding a "I don't believe in any causes, I'm just here for the violence" sign)
NICK: So here we are in the United States, protesting!
KN: I think we all know that by now. Why are you so outdated?
NICK: I have a shitty interpretation of the passage of time. Hey Mandy, remember last night when we got high and drove a pick-up truck into Macen's house?
MANDY: Ummm...Nick...that was two weeks ago. (nervously correcting herself) oh- I mean- THAT NEVER HAPPENED
KN: Point taken.
GOLIATH: (yelling into a megaphone) Hey, BUSH! Kentucky doesn't exist! EAT THAT! YEAH! FEAR OUR REVELATIONS!
NICK: Goliath! For feet's sake, man! It's DON'T exist! Get it right, people!
GOLIATH: Yeah shut up. (megaphoning) HEY, BUSH! KENTUCKY DON'T EXIST!
(Goliath is tackled by a secret service agent)
GOLIATH: Ow, my most of my body parts!
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: *appears out of nowhere* Hey there, everybody, I'm George Dubya Bush here to answer your questions. Got any of 'em for me?
KN: Yeeeaaah... what's two plus two?
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: Uhhhh.... *thinks for a while, getting gradually more nervous and sweaty* uhhhhh...
(KN stares at him apathetically.)
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: Uhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrr... seven?
NICK: Oh, KN, you crazy...uhh... person. Stop messin' with the prez and start protestin' Kentucky.
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: So I heard Kentucky doesn't exist. What's up with that? Ehehehe.
WAYLON: (ignoring) Yep, it's true, Dubya. Kentucky doesn't exist.
NICK: God dammit, what the hell did I just say?!
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: (ignoring) Hey, you're a cowboy! Are you from Texas, too? I'm from Texas. Because I'm George W. Bush. And I approve this message.
WAYLON: I'm not a cowboy. But I am from Texas.
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: I think we could be good friends, Kentucky doesn't exist person.
NICK: (seething with rage, trying to hold it in)'s...."don't"....
WAYLON: (ignoring) No we couldn't.
MANDY: Just get on with the Kentucky doesn't exist protest. This is boring.
NICK: Oh, yeah... we should probably do that.
(Nick holds up his sign)
NICK: (chanting) Down with Kentucky! Up with butts! Down with Kentucky! Up with video games!
(Heather joins in with teh chanting)
NICK and HEATHER: Down with Kentucky! Up with kitties! Down with Kentucky! Up with killing Nick's Mom!
(Bush's line overlaps the second half of that)
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: Oh, I get it now, you're wanting me to drop Kentucky from the union! I can totally do that. Ehehehe...
NICK: That's not really our purpose. At all.
MANDY: Come to think of it, what IS the purpose of this?
NICK: What else? We're trying to raise awareness of Kentucky's non-existence. The people of Earth will thank us for calling it their attention, and shower us with gifts. Gifts in the form of cash, check, and hot anal-loving nekkid chicks.
WAYLON: Oh man, that's the most retardedest thing I've ever heard. I'm out of here.
MANDY: Yeah, if the gifts aren't in the form of John Linnell, I'm pretty much out.
KN: Yeah, I'm leaving too. Freakin' ridiculous...
MIKE: This sucks. Stop being retarded, Nick.
GOLIATH: Screw this croip. I mean... croip. I mean... croip.
(KN, Waylon, Mike, Baby, Goliath and Mandy all leave, leaving only Nick and Heather.)
NICK: Uggghhh. Well, I guess it's just you an me.
HEATHER: Mmmm-hmm.
LAME BUSH IMPERSONATOR: Where'd all the Kentucky doesn't exist people go? Ehehehe...
NICK: Dude, I'm serious. Get it right or I'll stab you in the thigh.
(Cut to Macen's house. Nick is looking depressed, holding up a sword. Mandy walks in.)
MANDY: Nick? You okay? Need a hug?
NICK: Yeah... kinda...
MANDY: Are you still pissed aboot the protest?
NICK: Yep. Indeed I am. I always imagined my first ever protest would go a lot smoother than that.
MANDY: Weeeeeell, to be honest, you were kinda destined for failure. Not only was your purpose kinda retarded, but you didn't plan very well either.
NICK: Yeah, I guess. I just need to somehow let all the peoples know the truth aboot Kentucky being a government conspiracy.
MANDY: (points at sword) That thing's pretty big, and awesome-looking.
NICK: Heh, that's the first time anyone's ever said that to me. (frowns) Seriously.
MANDY: Waaaaaait a minute... you stole that from KN, didn't you?
NICK: It's possible.