Understanding the College Student Market
From Ni Wiki
Understanding the college student market at your university is absolutely essential for your success. Before launching a venture you have to ask yourself "what unmet need is there at my school", "where can I provide something of value that people will want to buy?" Answering these questions will direct you toward the correct first venture for your chapter.
Each university student body has different unmet needs & a different composition of student groups & businesses attempting to serve those needs. Finding where your chapter can add value with the resources it has at its disposal is the first step towards actually making money.
What makes a venture
Ventures are blended value businesses that sell products & services bundled with a feeling that you're doing something good for the world. Ventures provide an outlet for ethical consumerism.
They don't have to intrinsically connect you to a cause. Education lotteries & Hold 'em for Hunger are prime examples of traditional businesses that can be turned into blended value businesses bases solely on the causes they support. This flexibility gives you the freedom to experiment with a variety of business concepts & ideas independent of the social value they provide.