Keith Vaz

From Nhs It Info

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(Leicester East, Labour)

Parliamentary Question (19 Oct 2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the cost is (a) nationally and (b) to individual general practitioner practices for implementing the national programme for IT."

Parliamentary Question (19 Oct 2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the remit of the National Programme for IT for the NHS entails."

Parliamentary Question (20 Oct 2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the National Programme for IT has been subject to testing and user feedback to ensure that it will work as efficiently as the current system."

Parliamentary Question (20 Oct 2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Health what advantages the National Programme for IT has that the current system is not providing."

Parliamentary Question (20 Oct 2004)

"To ask the Secretary of State for Health what investigation has been made into the case of the process for transferring data from the current primary care computer system to the National Programme for IT."

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