Some NPfIT Specifications and Policies

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[ Information governance in the Department of Health and the NHS] "I define ‘information governance’ as: “the structures, policies and practice of the DH, the NHS and its suppliers to ensure the confidentiality and security of all records, and especially patient records, and to enable the ethical use of them for the benefit of individual patients and the public good”. Effective information governance is necessary to be sure that the new opportunities that the National Programme for IT promises will be effectively and safely realised and so that public confidence in the electronic NHS is secured. Whilst my review focuses on the areas specified in my remit, I undertook it with recognition of the wider context of information governance which includes both the Office of the Information Commissioner and other government departments and organisations. . . Although I am clear that the present arrangements will need to be improved to support an electronic NHS, I found no committee, group or individual not doing their best in the circumstances within which they were working. None of my comments or recommendations should be taken as criticism of individuals." [Harry Clayton, National Director for Patients and the Public; Chair, Care Record Development Board (2006)]
[ Information governance in the Department of Health and the NHS] "I define ‘information governance’ as: “the structures, policies and practice of the DH, the NHS and its suppliers to ensure the confidentiality and security of all records, and especially patient records, and to enable the ethical use of them for the benefit of individual patients and the public good”. Effective information governance is necessary to be sure that the new opportunities that the National Programme for IT promises will be effectively and safely realised and so that public confidence in the electronic NHS is secured. Whilst my review focuses on the areas specified in my remit, I undertook it with recognition of the wider context of information governance which includes both the Office of the Information Commissioner and other government departments and organisations. . . Although I am clear that the present arrangements will need to be improved to support an electronic NHS, I found no committee, group or individual not doing their best in the circumstances within which they were working. None of my comments or recommendations should be taken as criticism of individuals." [Harry Clayton, National Director for Patients and the Public; Chair, Care Record Development Board (2006)]
[ National Programme For Information Technology] (South East Coast Strategic Health Authority, 15 Nov 2006) "Repositioning the NPfIT within the NHS - Whilst NHS Connecting for Health (CFH) has achieved a level of success as recognised by the NAO in its recent review, the increased tempo of delivery in the next 6-12 months requires a new approach if it is to ensure an effective and efficient implementation of the national programme. If implementations are to be realised at the pace and with the assurance that all parties desire, it is critical that the programme governance arrangements, structures and processes are optimised.  In particular there is a need to devolve responsibilities and accountabilities around implementation from NHS Connecting for Health to Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) as soon as possible.  The fundamental aims of the planned devolvement are: To strengthen local governance and ownership, so that the SHAs and PCTs are enabled to drive the NPfIT in an appropriate direction that achieves the right balance between national imperatives and local needs; To ensure NPfIT supports the delivery of better quality and safer services for patients, and reinforce the value and benefits that can be derived from NPfIT; To build governance structures and processes that are fit for task; To improve clinical engagement in the programme."
[ National Programme For Information Technology] (South East Coast Strategic Health Authority, 15 Nov 2006) ". . . Repositioning the NPfIT within the NHS - Whilst NHS Connecting for Health (CFH) has achieved a level of success as recognised by the NAO in its recent review, the increased tempo of delivery in the next 6-12 months requires a new approach if it is to ensure an effective and efficient implementation of the national programme. If implementations are to be realised at the pace and with the assurance that all parties desire, it is critical that the programme governance arrangements, structures and processes are optimised.  In particular there is a need to devolve responsibilities and accountabilities around implementation from NHS Connecting for Health to Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) as soon as possible.  The fundamental aims of the planned devolvement are: To strengthen local governance and ownership, so that the SHAs and PCTs are enabled to drive the NPfIT in an appropriate direction that achieves the right balance between national imperatives and local needs; To ensure NPfIT supports the delivery of better quality and safer services for patients, and reinforce the value and benefits that can be derived from NPfIT; To build governance structures and processes that are fit for task; To improve clinical engagement in the programme. . ."

Revision as of 12:59, 24 November 2006

Output Based Specification (OBS) for Integrated Care Records Service (ICRS) (2002): "This document provides an introduction to the ICRS OBS. This OBS is being provided to longlisted bidders for the provision of ICRS solutions and certain other services as part of the procurements being undertaken by the NPFIT."

OBS2 For Integrated Care Records Service (ICRS) V2 PT1 (2003)

(The above are the two public technical specifications that could be located for this service.)

The Clinical Development of the NHS Care Record Service (Version for Feedback) CfH (July 2005): "This report . . . sets out how the vision for a patient care record, compatible with the commissioned architecture and the NHS Care Record Guarantee, can be achieved. It describes an incremental approach that will build public and professional confidence, establish working practices and allow for the effective evolution of the whole NHS Care Record Service."

The Care Record Guarantee (May 2006) "In the National Health Service in England, we aim to provide you with the highest quality of care. To do this, we must keep records about you, your health and the care we have provided to you or plan to provide to you. This guarantee is our commitment that we will use records about you in ways that respect your rights and promote your health and wellbeing."

Information governance in the Department of Health and the NHS "I define ‘information governance’ as: “the structures, policies and practice of the DH, the NHS and its suppliers to ensure the confidentiality and security of all records, and especially patient records, and to enable the ethical use of them for the benefit of individual patients and the public good”. Effective information governance is necessary to be sure that the new opportunities that the National Programme for IT promises will be effectively and safely realised and so that public confidence in the electronic NHS is secured. Whilst my review focuses on the areas specified in my remit, I undertook it with recognition of the wider context of information governance which includes both the Office of the Information Commissioner and other government departments and organisations. . . Although I am clear that the present arrangements will need to be improved to support an electronic NHS, I found no committee, group or individual not doing their best in the circumstances within which they were working. None of my comments or recommendations should be taken as criticism of individuals." [Harry Clayton, National Director for Patients and the Public; Chair, Care Record Development Board (2006)]

National Programme For Information Technology (South East Coast Strategic Health Authority, 15 Nov 2006) ". . . Repositioning the NPfIT within the NHS - Whilst NHS Connecting for Health (CFH) has achieved a level of success as recognised by the NAO in its recent review, the increased tempo of delivery in the next 6-12 months requires a new approach if it is to ensure an effective and efficient implementation of the national programme. If implementations are to be realised at the pace and with the assurance that all parties desire, it is critical that the programme governance arrangements, structures and processes are optimised. In particular there is a need to devolve responsibilities and accountabilities around implementation from NHS Connecting for Health to Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) as soon as possible. The fundamental aims of the planned devolvement are: To strengthen local governance and ownership, so that the SHAs and PCTs are enabled to drive the NPfIT in an appropriate direction that achieves the right balance between national imperatives and local needs; To ensure NPfIT supports the delivery of better quality and safer services for patients, and reinforce the value and benefits that can be derived from NPfIT; To build governance structures and processes that are fit for task; To improve clinical engagement in the programme. . ."

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