From Newt
Strengths: Already well known and established; LibrarianInBlack comments that it�s unique visitors grew by 290% last year (http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/2008/01/top-blogging-an.html); looks professional and is very intuitive and easy to use; provides a beginners guide to blogging http://codex.wordpress.org/Introduction_to_Blogging) which suggests it wants to be a tool; saves work every 60 seconds automatically.
Weaknesses: Feels rather structured and rigid to the first-time user
Opportunities: Clearly a popular choice in 2007 and it may wish to capitalise further on its success with new products; it is promoting its �famous� bloggers (although they are American and so I hadn�t heard of any of them)
Threats: Reviews comment that it is similar to Blogger but more advanced.