
From Newt

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Current revision as of 15:24, 10 January 2008

SWOT analysis of Blogger

Strengths - easy to set up an account

         - easy to use, don't need any technical skills
         - serviced by Google so should be sustainable
         - allows RSS feeds

Weaknesses - cannot export all blog content easily, have to cut and paste

          - not very easy to manipulate the position of images
          - not very easy to add links under the Links heading
          - easy to cut and paste content so others could be 'stealing' your work

Opportunities - owned by Google so could expand and due to competition from other blog providers could respond to user demands?

                - could be used by a large group defined by email addresses 
                - web address accessible by anyone with internet connection

Threats - owned by Google but as has been the case with other Web 2.0 apps companies buy each other out so no guarantee of perpetuity

             - may not improve or enhance their service and so it could become obsolete
             - in a world of a billion blogs how do you make your stand out and be counted?
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