From Nanya
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<script type="text/javascript"> function categoryTreeNextDiv(e) { var n= e.nextSibling; while ( n && ( n.nodeType != 1 || n.nodeName != 'DIV') ) { //alert('nodeType: ' + n.nodeType + '; nodeName: ' + n.nodeName); n= n.nextSibling; }
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function categoryTreeExpandNode(cat, mode, lnk) { var div= categoryTreeNextDiv( lnk.parentNode.parentNode );
div.style.display= 'block'; lnk.innerHTML= '–'; lnk.title= categoryTreeCollapseMsg; lnk.onclick= function() { categoryTreeCollapseNode(cat, mode, lnk) }
if (lnk.className != "CategoryTreeLoaded") { categoryTreeLoadNode(cat, mode, lnk, div); } }
function categoryTreeCollapseNode(cat, mode, lnk) { var div= categoryTreeNextDiv( lnk.parentNode.parentNode );
div.style.display= 'none'; lnk.innerHTML= '+'; lnk.title= categoryTreeExpandMsg; lnk.onclick= function() { categoryTreeExpandNode(cat, mode, lnk) } }
function categoryTreeLoadNode(cat, mode, lnk, div) { div.style.display= 'block'; lnk.className= 'CategoryTreeLoaded'; lnk.innerHTML= '–'; lnk.title= categoryTreeCollapseMsg; lnk.onclick= function() { categoryTreeCollapseNode(cat, mode, lnk) }
categoryTreeLoadChildren(cat, mode, div) }
function categoryTreeLoadChildren(cat, mode, div) { div.innerHTML= '' + categoryTreeLoadingMsg + '';
function f( request ) { result= request.responseText; result= result.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/, );
if (request.status != 200) result= "if ( result == ) { result= '';
if ( mode == 0 ) result= categoryTreeNoSubcategoriesMsg; else if ( mode == 10 ) result= categoryTreeNoPagesMsg; else result= categoryTreeNothingFoundMsg;
result+= ''; }
result = result.replace(/##LOAD##/g, categoryTreeExpandMsg); div.innerHTML= result; }
sajax_do_call( "efCategoryTreeAjaxWrapper", [cat, mode] , f ); }