
From Nanya

Revision as of 17:21, 6 July 2007 by (Talk)




When in 8th level of education at the age of 14, she went steady with Chubby until he graduated and left to join the U.W.P. rebellion. While being depressed after his leaving, she started using Gab-sallow, a drug, and she soon became addicted. Since 8 cycles-old, she started Tiger martial arts and became a master. At 21, she was hired as a hover-taxi driver and fell in love with another colleague. They were engaged but he died in 261 BE by committing suicide. Since then, she had blamed herself and increased her Gab-sallow addiction. In 272 BE, Chubby and Chopper were in Verto Yute to meet Chubby's family and they were taken to the spaceport by her. Chubby took her out on a date and fell for her once more. As he left, she snuck on board and soon became a part of the KA Inc. After finding out she was an addict, the team put her in a drug awareness program and cured her. While tryiing to find Hipster with the team, she and the team were captured by Emperor Jade and was put into a concentration camp. They all died in the gas chamber on April 14th, 276 BE.



Full Kevlar team fatigues, gloves, jungle boots, backpack


2 Sais, UG-7 (100 rounds), Kusari-Gama

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