Energy Apprehension
From Nanya
AP.4 ENERGY APPREHENSION. The range is on the Paranormal Range Chart II. Detection of light, radiation, sombrenetic use, sonic noctinetic, plasmatic, polaric, fire-use, kinetic, and thermal is the user's ability. The paranormality may only detect actual energy only while it is happening. The user cannot detect targets such as bombs or batteries. The user may also identify the energy type. If the player chooses a specific energy detection only, a +15% is added. Light Detection (AP.4.1), Radiation Detection (AP.4.2), Sombrenetic Detection (AP.4.3), Sonic Detection (AP.4.4), Noctinetic Detection (AP.4.5), Plasmatic Detection (AP.4.6), Polaric Detection (AP.4.7), Pyro Detection (AP.4.8) Kinetic Detection (AP.4.9), and Thermal Detection (AP.4.10) are the categories. Energy Apprehension is enabled by extra-sensitive electrogen cells in the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain.