Main Page

From Nanya

Revision as of 21:59, 15 June 2007 by Nanya (Talk | contribs)
File:Wp-qotd.png Quote of the Day

Nanya:Quote of the Day/16 March 2025

File:Wp-wotmfa.png Featured article (week 11)

Name about the person

This is the history.

File:Wp-dyk.png Did you know…
  • … that the Nanya universe was created back in 1982?

File:Wp-id.png Improvement drive

Improvement drive

This week's improvement drive:

Please improve the article in any way you can.

Suggest an article to be improved

Suggest an article to be improved.

File:Wp-news.png In the news
  • The Nanya Wikipedia is being worked on
File:Wp-otd.png On this day…

March 16:

File:Wp-fa.png Citizen of the Month

Citizen of the Month

March's Citizen of the Month:

Congratulations from all of us here in the Brass Galaxy!

Nominate a user for this award

Nominate a user for this award.

Nanya is a resource project for the Nanya Universe. The primary function of the project is to provide materials for the Nanya universe. Because all materials are licensed, users can contribute to these projects but they must understand that it is copyright owned by S. Day Mudge with a limited partnership for J. Patrick Perkins.


Brass Galaxy is the location of the Nanya Universe. The star systems located within it are mapped by rotation of the galaxy, track, and level. The Brass Galaxy contains millions of habitable planets with thousands of various races.

First Steps

  1. Write down your password.
  2. On this page: image_logo_url put just the url for the logo that you want in the upper left corner of your wiki.







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