
From Nanya

Revision as of 18:06, 12 June 2007 by (Talk)




Real Name: Chiang C. Chai-sho

Occupation: Former Freelance Master Assassin, Now Self-employed Master Assassin

Identity: Unknown

Legal Status: Citizen of the Chamos System with a criminal record and wanted in 91 star systems.

Place of Birth: Jor-kwoo, Ayrspice, Chamos System

Date of Birth: 10-29-462 B.E.

Family: Li-pon C. Chai-kar (father, deceased 5- 464), Em B. Sho-koo (mother, deceased, 12- 529), Leha Mon-chai (oldest sister, 9-25- 457 to 6- 525), Li-ponki Chai-sho (2nd sister, 9-20- 459 to 7- 476), Temu R. Chai-ha (wife, 7-10- 461 to 10- 512, married: 9-6- 488), Red E. Jef-chai (daughter, 1-29- 490), Em B. Jef-chai (grand-daughter, born 6-21- 509)

Extent of Education: Graduate of Jor-kwoo High and Klaw's Assassin Guild

Hobbies & Interests: Portraiture, assassination, martial arts, hates adventurers, is passionate, nocturnal, loyal, lonely, self-confident, manipulative, psychic, dictatorial, torrid

Religion: Agnostic

Group Affiliation: Former Klaw's Assassin Guild, foermer leader of the Assassin Shifter's Guild, now Terminus leader

Current Base of Operations: The Leopards' Lair, Chaps, Norra System

Height: 1.71m, paranormal: 1.83m Age: 68 in 530 B.E.

Race: Burnt Orange Human


Intelligence: 97

Wisdom: 94

Strength: 89 (normal), 117 (paranormal)

Health: 67

Dexterity: 86

Humor: 08

Bravery: 85

Skill: 80

Strategy: 77

Luck: 82

Selfishness: 30

Psyche: 69

Accuracy: 96

Leadership: 100


Common: 99, Myno: 91, Yun: 82, Xionaki: 26 Grrushur: 25 Archiek: 86 Besepy: 60 A'sh: 27 Othjy: 20 Beanba'dhes: 01 Hao: 01 Beikel: 01 B'byrea: 01 Blagodo: 01 Breelak: 01 Bhea: 01 Bucryt: 01 Cekaav: 01 Ciarsian: 01 Kepa: 01 Cocotonyr: 01 Derema: 01 Doowerr: 01


Assassination: 121

- MA: MISC: Wing Chun: -

- Stealth: -

- Tracking: -

COMP: Display Info: 66

COMP: Access & Op: 40

Mounts: Aquatic: 56

ROB: Alter Function: 47

Climbing: 70

MA: MISC: Leopard: 81

Medical Vet: 42

Survival: 71

Make Item & Structures: 11

Swimming: 01

Carousing: 89

Computer Studies: 40

Crafts & Arts: 88

Gambling: 90

Starship Weaponry: 06

Law Status: 919

Mechanical Engineering: 40

Personal Combat: 75

Starship Operation: 44

Streetwise: 93

Education: Reading 87, Global Studies 73, Mathematics 94

Life Points: 180 (normal), 183 (paranormal)

Adventure Points: 14,753

Level: 14

Money Credits: 843,000 credits

Weapons & Equipment


Weapons Creation: 93, Imperviosation: 18, Self-Duplication: 43


Pedition honed in his powers at age 10, and married his wife at 26. He secretly joined the Klaw's Assassin Guild in 510 while his wife as the police commissioner hunted him down unknowingly. In 512, he killed his wife when she found out his identity. In 518, he took over the Klaw's Guild and changed their name to the Assassin Shifter's. In Mayo, 525, the Assassin Shifter's were destroyed by Murder Anonymous. Three weeks later Pedition founded Terminus and hunted adventurers down. Since then he has killed various people: Phil the Skate, Hornet, Claw Quirk, Shrapnel, and destroyed various teams.

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