
From Nanya

Revision as of 15:25, 10 June 2007 by (Talk)



Real Name: Various

Occupation: Galactic Legal Enforcers

Identity: Secret

Legal Status: Various Citizenry

Place of Birth: Various

Date of Birth: Various

Family: Various

Extent of Education: Graduate with Sentury training on Mick, Farren System

Group Affiliation: The Senturion Guild

Current Base of Operations: 2 Senturies stationed 4 cycles on Mark III planets.

Height: Various (1.2 to 2.3m)

Age: 22 to 44 human years.

Race: Various


Intelligence: 60

Wisdom: 60

Strength: 90

Health: 50

Dexterity: 80

Humor: 40

Bravery: 80

Skill: 50

Strategy: 50

Luck: 40

Selfishness: 40

Psyche: 40

Accuracy: 95

Leadership: 85


Common: 85, Myno: 80, Native language: 90, Various languages: 70


Medical Wounds B: 60, Bionics: 70, WS: Blaster Rifle: 75, Agility: 75, Commando: 95, Survival: 95, Protocol: 80, Law: 95

Carousing: 40

Computer Studies: 70

Crafts & Arts: 40

Gambling: 40

Starship Weaponry: 40

Law Status: 0

Mechanical Engineering: 55

Personal Combat: 95

Starship Operation: 50

Streetwise: 80

Education: Reading 90, Global Studies 50, Mathematics 65

Life Points: 54+

Adventure Points: 2,000+

Level: 2+

Money Credits: 100,000 credits annually

Weapons & Equipment

Right Arm: T-2 Cannon (Laser does 2x per round, Solar does 3d20 with range of 110m), Fire Extinguisher (smothers 30 fire for 15 rounds, reloadable)

Left Arm: A-7 Slugshooter (3x per round, holds 18, does 2d20 damage, range 180m), Beam Light (solar pack, range: 80m)

Stomach: Pulsar Beam (1x daily, solar, does 6d20 damage, range: 225m)

Helmet: Augmented Hearing (+5,000 Vps, -5000 Vps), Augmented Stereo (+5,000 Vps, -5,000 Vps), Augmented Sight, Infravision, Thermal Vision, Tint Vision, Increase 500x, Electromagnetic Vision, Detrans Stereo, Intrans Stereo, Motion Scanner, Computer Link-Up, Sonic Headphone, Digital Visionary, Radio Phone, Digital Graph, Vehicle Scanner

Other Equipment: Flight Boots (Dexterity: 700), [[Augmented Strength: +60, Airpacks (100 hours), Flight Fuel (150 decimons), Space Flight (Dexterity: 4000), Armor: 20, Halo: 200


The Senturion Guild were founded by Emperor Jade in 323. They work for twelve cycles on three different tours of planets to governments that wish to use them for law enforcement within the empire. This organization always contains 4,000 Senturies.

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