Manhattan School for Advanced Wizardry
From Namericanpotter
Location: Unknown; Entrance currently located at 18th Street Station
Founded: 1900
President: Cornelia Bowers
Vice President: David Hart
Dean of Students: Nicole Thompson
Teaching Staff
At MSAW, students have access to various tutors for the ten separate Arcana. Below are the staff members that take on this role; each is an Adept or Master in their particular sphere of influence.
Death: Jerome 'Duster' Keating - Moros Libertine
Fate: Priscilla 'Calliope' Webber - Acanthus Silver Ladder
Forces: Katherine 'Starfire' Archer - Obrimos Libertine
Life: Theresa 'Lucie' Harris - Thyrsus Mysterium
Matter: Stephen 'Elric' Armstrong - Moros Mysterium
Mind: Samuel 'Morpheus' Rhodes - Mastigos Guardian
Prime: Vincent 'Omega' Kincaid - Obrimos Guardian
Space: Caroline 'Farpoint' Baines - Mastigos Silver Ladder
Spirit: Nathanial 'Umbra' Johnson - Thyrsus Arrow
Time: Jessica 'Amrita' Powers - Acanthus Libertine