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From Myspace Af

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MySpace AF

From, a screenshot of the first page of MySpace Anime Forum(Made made on June 30th, 2007).

MySpace AF (MySpace Anime Forum) is a forum originated in, where every member of the website can discuss and post topics related to anime. Located in the "Television" section at the MySpace forum, it is the most popular subject in it's section, bringing together many anime fans and great kids, most of which have become good friends. The Anime Forum on MySpace is a fun place a for anime discussions, but it has become more then that... It's a community which currently consists of the most common forumers, that turn the place in to a world of randomness and funny discussions out of any created topic in the forum. Throughout times, there have been many "floods" from spammers, "haters" and "tolls" have ben coming in and out of the forum every once in a while, but several members and the Moderators of the MySpace Anime Forum, have been always working together to keep the forum in proper order. The forumers are all different people from around the nation, some are fun, friendly, annoying, smart, mean, kind, cool and some can even be perverts, but they are all good in their own way and are the ones who bring this forum to "life".


Common Members of the Anime Forum

Top 10 Favorite Anime Series

1. Full Metal Alchemist

2. Bleach

3. Naruto

Top 10 Favorite Anime Movies

Top 10 Favorite Mangas

The Classic Threads

Moderators of the Anime Forum

Randomness of the Forum

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