Quinn a.k.a. ninja quinn

From Myspace Af

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'''Quinn a.k.a. ninja quinn''' - A forumer from California, loves skate boarding, hanging out with his friends, and drawing; always makes artistic threads in the MySpace AF. Loves animes like Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Ruroni Kenshin, Full Metal Panic, Elfen Leid, Samurai Deeper Kyo and more... He cant live with out music; his favorite bands are Dir En Grey, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, The Rasmus, My Chemical Romance, Kikk Switch Engage, The Cure, The Clash, The Ramones, and more... Also likes vidio games such as Final Fantasy 10, 7 and 12, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Elder Scrolles: Oblivion.
'''Quinn a.k.a. ninja quinn''' - wants you to pee on him

Current revision as of 18:30, 16 August 2010

Quinn a.k.a. ninja quinn - wants you to pee on him

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