Zul'ark Tribe
From Mylegokingdom
"A grave danger to our Kingdom resides WITHIN our City! I will take care of it!" - Ozill Shadeblink, during his coronation speech.
The Zul'ark Tribe is by far the largest of the Raptor Tribes. They reside deeply in the Living Streak, and have a language composed completely of loud roars.
The Zul'ark Tribe have black skin covered with green stripes. Their muzzle is oversized and filled with long teeth jutting outside of the jaw, even when closed. Their tails are relatively short, and their arsm relatively long. They have fearsomely long legs and long talons. Sometimes, they even have spiked backs!
Villages (More like metropolises..)
The Zul'ark Tribe lives in massive Aztec-like buildings grouped together to create villageopolises. Here is list of their cities, with descriptions. All of their villageopolises names start with Zul, which in their language, means Self.
Zul'Thukken, a border viallgeopolis, means Self-defense. It it consists of nine medium-sized buildings surrounding a courtyard where their millitary base is. It is made right at the border between Zul'ark and Blackblood Tribe Territory. Hundreds of "soldiers" pour ot of this town to objectives throughout Zul'Ark Territory every week. Zul'Thukken was once attacked by Blackbood warriors and ruined, but was rebuilt.