
From My Wiki

As a blogging wsteibe, tumblr. is one of the best out there. Based on personal experience with tumblr., I would rate it a 4.5/5 stars. Tumblr. allows its users to post almost any media including images and music. All posts can include things called tags which resemble hashtags used on Twitter for Trending Topics. By including tags, users can search for a specific topic and find all results that resemble the search keywords. For example, if a teacher tagged a post with #alphabet, the students could search for alphabet and all the results that have been tagged alphabet will result. Users can customize everything about their tumblr., from their url and site name to the background and theme of their blog. Like Facebook or Twitter, users can follow other users and all of their followers posts will appear on their dashboard. Users can also like posts and all of the liked posts will be archived on their dashboard. I have already began to implement tumblr. into my classroom arrangement. Tumblr. I follow the tag education and often find many interesting lesson plans, creative classroom management techniques, and fun classroom activities. However, I mostly use tumblr. for personal use. I believe it would be difficult to integrate the use of tumblr. into my classroom. There are very few privacy settings and maintaining any sort of classroom discussion on tumblr. could be difficult. I think the use of tumblr. within the educational setting would work better with teacher-to-teacher interactions than student-to-teacher interactions.

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