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Dark Fire/Prologue

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< Dark Fire(Redirected from Deep Freeze/Prologue)

I never thought it would come to this, Three Dejong thought. He ran through the ice, dodging laserfire, the rest of the wikians behind him. The alien, Gofer, had shapeshifted into a Kunnra, a large beast of the ice lands. 3D turned and shot two trollers in the chest and head. They fell to the ground, only for five to appear in their place. This is endless, 3D thought. A stun blast flew by him and knocked Plumber to the ground. 3D culd hear him breathing; he was alive. Another blast whistled nearby, this time hurling Purple Yoshi into a snowbank. Energy flew left and right. Wikians fell unconscious, one after another. Xzelion, Wayoshi, Murzon, Porple, Beanbean. They were all blown into the snow. 3D only had time to realize this before a blast hit him, and he crumpled to the ground, remembering the past few days, and how everything had changed...

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