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Revision as of 23:30, 12 July 2007 by 3dejong (Talk | contribs)

Jello! I am 3dejong. (How many times have you heard THAT sort of thing at the beginning of a userpage?!) Call me 3D, in case you haven’t met me before (and that is a very rare happening). I hang out strictly on the MarioWiki and its adjoining forum, as well as this wiki and its own forum. I’m not a very diverse guy. Har har.

I don’t own any Mario games anymore (curse my super-strict parents) so I’m not much of an editor on the MarioWiki. I just hang out and make friends. So THIS wiki is a perfect hangout. Just about everyone here and on the MarioWiki I know and/or are friends with. Or else I make it my business to know them. I also try to help everyone and give encouragement. Which might explain why I’m so “cool” at the MarioWiki.

I’ve been around for quite a while at the MarioWiki. I’ve been around longer than most active users, and I’ve contributed a lot to the MarioWiki. If this sounds like bragging, please kick me in the face before I get off on a tangent.

I’ve invented Graveyard, inspired/welcomed more users than I can count, uploaded over 500 pics, given a lot of MarioWiki pages a huge revamp, and made friends with a whole darn lot of people (including YOU, I hope!). I’ve been through attacks from Willy on Wheels, Peachycakes, the Logans, and a lot of other assorted trolls. I’ve lived through (and participated in) the Cheese Craze of ’07, I’ve been hit on by Wayoshi (DO. NOT. ASK.) and I’ve seen the Wiki at its best and worst. And in two months, I’ll have been here a year… good, good times.

I write my very own ‘Shroom article, called From the Mushroom Vaults, which contains tons of cool tips and cheats for our favorite Mario games, and run a monthly interview for the ‘Shroom’s Fake News. I’m not going to sign up for the User News, though, until I can get myself into a schedule. Currently, my parents aren’t too crazy about me having internet friends, so my schedule is patchy. As soon as I establish a schedule, I’ll be signing up for as many events as possible.

You can visit my very, very own Userpedia page at 3dejong. Awesomely original title, eh? You can also visit my MarioWiki page right [ here!] My MarioWiki page contains awesomely (boring) facts about me, my friends, and a whole lot of thing in general. My Userpedia page contains a wacky biography of me, myself, and I.

Caution: my Userpedia page contains a highly concentrated mixture of fact and fiction. Read at your own risk. It’s a good idea to read my MarioWiki page before my Userpedia one.

And so, that is that. I can’t believe I can talk this much about myself. If you don’t know me, talk to me. Now!

I’m not going to list my appearances, edits, pages made, images uploaded, friends, etc., because that would take tomorrow and yesterday to list. If you want to know more about me, visit my pages already or just ask in a friendly way at my talk page. I’m usually on (whenever my parents aren’t patrolling me). Ciao! And remember to see 3dejong for my own wacky take on my life!

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