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Welcome! This site will have daily updates on the game Super Wiki Kart! Why am I posting it on Userpedia? More people see it here! So, anyways, let the Updates Begin!
Site Announcements
Satuday, September 22, 2007
This is We provide daily updates to Super Wiki Kart, Monday through Saturday (see below). We usually have one update a day, however, on days when site notices, music, or a feature, we will have 2. Items are revealed every now and then as well. Most days will be on courses/battle courses. With this in mind, let's get the updates going!
As well, no secrets characters/stages will be revealed. And, please don't pester me about, "I wanna be revealed tommorw plz k thx bai" and such.
P.S. From now on, I'll use Sundays to catch up on images.
Referee: Max2
Satuday, September 22, 2007
Max2 will be partaking as the referee this time around! He will announce the start line and get fallen racers out of traps such as water, pits, etc.
Item: Mushroom
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Come on! You guys saw this coming! It boosts your speed, yada bla bla etc.
Announcement: Image Problem
Sunday, September 23, 2007
We are sorry to say that all images will be released At any Possible Time. We apologize.
Racer: 3dejong
Monday, September 24, 2007
3dejong has joined the race! He will kick up dirt with his orange Go-Kart. His stats are mostly average, so he is a good choice for beginers. Luckily, Max2 is not giving him a "Friend Bonus"!
Stage: Spam Lane
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

This stage takes place in the Spam Vault, and, unlike most courses, has a black-and-white pallete. The sides of the course are filled with Spam, Trolls, and, you guessed, trolls spamming.
Racer: Dry Bones
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Yes, It's DB! He has been confirmed as the fastest racer, and the heaviest. He looks akward in the tiny kart, but it won't stop DB from getting the gold!
Feature: Battle Mode
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The battle courses in Mario Kart Games will be available in the "Retro Battles". The "Battles" select will have the 16 new courses. All of the Battle Stages are based on the courses in the games.
You can play as any character who you've unlocked. The Battle Courses will have up to 10 Players. The number can be changed. Additionally, you can choose the CPU Players, and the teams.
Feature: Secret Characters
Friday, September 28, 2007
There will be 24 Secret Characters. Beating cups unlocks secret characters. We have heard, however, that not all secret characters will be users, or even Non-Users. It is also widely-known that the Creator REFUSES to share the names of the Secret Characters, but may reveal a sillouette which we will release here!
Item: Graveyard
Friday, September 28, 2007
This item is rather pointless. It creates and "oil spill" that racers spin out on. This item is a classic, but, it's kind of sad to waste a perfect item like this!
Announcement: Racer Designs
Friday, September 28, 2007
this is breaking news! This is the 3rd update today, but we have heard that ALL racers will be slightly re-designed. Mainly this includes using the M&L Pallete, but can also mean editing the sprite. The M&L Palette Rule will be STRONLY enforced, however, some characters who have special colors, (3dejong, Dry Bones, etc) will not have the rule applied for that part of their designs.
Feature: Themes
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Every character will have a theme that plays when they beat a level, or are unlocked, if they are secret. This theme can be heard in the options menu.
Racer: Arend
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Arend is here! He will be a fast racer, however, will be light. Will Dnera appear? Only time can tell!
Announcement: Images
Instead of an update, we will use today to supply images to every update.
Da Important and Boring stuff
All sprites copyright their respective owners, redesigned by Max2 As such, all sprites taken from screenshots belong to the respective user with partial credit to pallete by Max2. all racecourses, unless started false, are also copyright of Max2. Karts taken from The Spriter's Resource. all images are subject to change. Kart Pallete credit to Microsoft Paint. All images are copyright of Max2 Inc. 2007