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Star Wiki RPG 
KPH2293 (KPH for short) is a enemy of Lady Starbel. in Star Wiki RPG. He first encountered Starbel at Smiddle's House with Great Gonzo. He was first trying to get Starbel's attention for a unknown reason; since she wasn't speaking, the gothicated boo got furios and attacked Starbel. During the ending of the game, Starbel was brainwashed by Commander l33t's wand once she got all the Starman and Everyone (All Playable Characters) decided to enter L33t Castle 2 and get to Starbel to deafeat her so she would refresh her memory. KPH suggested that they all split up since l33t was gaurding the door to The Final Room. So then KPH , MMB, Wayoshi and Plumber were playable. (Only in that battle) But you can use 3 people in battle, so you had to choose wisely who to leave out of the battle.
HP:27 Attack:5 Super Attack:10 Defense:1
- Lick - Hides face then uncovers face quickly licking one enemy doing 5HP Damage
- Scream - Screams like a girl and gives one enemy the Scare Status for 3 turns.
- Charge - Doubles attack power for 4 turns
- Mad Slapper - Slaps one enemy rapidly doing 10 HP damage.