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The Three Trolls

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Chapter One
The Three Trolls is an ongoing story featuring the MarioWiki Users vs. [[Peachycakes|Peachy]][[Logan]] [[Willy on Wheels|on Wheels]].
It can be found [ here.]
In which Peach splits into two people, Tonya attempts a heist, and Willy goes mad
As darkness fell, deep within the bowels of his fortress, King Bowser laughed madly. “HA HA HA HA HA! You’re going to make a good lab tester! Once I’ve made sure this works, I’ll try it on myself!” His unwilling tester, Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom, pulled on her chains. “Let me go, you bully! I don’t want to try this serum of yours!” Bowser cackled. “Ya know what it does? It personifies your good (ugh) side… and your bad side! If it works, I’ll use it on me. Again and again until the Most Evil King Bowser is in charge and I’ve got an army of two hundred wimpy Bowsers! But they’ll have to do as I say. And-” Peach strained on her chains. “No! Don’t!” Bowser raised the glass of chemicals and hurled it at Peach’s face…
Tonya Logan slipped through the night. She felt her black mask, to make sure it was on tight. She was a professional cat burglar, and- due to her poisonous lipstick- could literally kill with a kiss. Tonya grinned as she scaled the wall of 3D-labs Inc. What a heist, she thought. This is easy. I get in the window, steal the money, and get out. That idiot Three Dejong won’t have any idea what happened. Tonya pulled open the window and climbed through. She jumped down and saw, all around her, hundreds of vats of chemicles. Tonya grinned as she stepped carefully between the cauldrons. “STOP! THIEF!” She spun around. Three Dejong, the factory’s owner, had been sleeping in the room and was woken up by Tonya’s footsteps. Curses, how was I so dumb?! The burgler thought. Tonya started running for a door, but two lab workers (a Snifit and a Toad) stood in the way. She tried to push past, but they knocked her back. Tonya staggered from the force of the blow… directly into one of the cauldrons. Tonya screamed and vanished into the steaming, bubbling liquid.
“Hey, Will!”
The shout came from a teenager with scruffy black hair named Max Two. Riding up to him on a skateboard was one of his friends, Will. “How ya doing, Max?” Will asked, spinning his skateboard around. He was an expert at skateboarding tricks, which earned him the nickname Willy on Wheels. “Oh, I’m doing great!” said Max. “Wanna go do some stunts in the park?” “Sure,” Will answered. The two friends walked off down the road. When they reached the park, Will took off one of the wheels on his skateboard. “Uh, Willy, what’re you doing?” Max asked. “I’m proving that I’m the best skateboarder around,” Will answered. “I’m going to skateboard through the park on three wheels.”
Will got on the skateboard and began. For a while he was doing fine, but then Max accidentally distracted him. “Willy, you’re doin’ great!” he called. Will turned his head around to answer, but his skateboard crashed. Will was hurled through the air and landed headfirst on the concrete. “WILL!” screamed Max Two. He ran over. Will was breathing, but his forehead had been ripped open. Max could see bone. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. “HELLO? My friend just got his skull torn open!”
Moments later, an ambulance arrived. The paramedics ran over to Will. One of them looked at Max. “He’s still alive, Max. Don’t worry. But…” As the paramedics leaned forward to pick up Will, he muttered something. Max ran over. “He said something!” Will then said it again. “Wheels… Wario… Warplane… wheeeeeeels…” Max looked up in concern. Will was still raving when the paramedics took him away.
Chapter Two
In which Willy goes to the asylum, Tonya discovers her power, and Peachycakes takes control of the Koopa Troop
Willy stood laughing madly in his room inside the asylum. After his head had been repaired, the doctors discovered that he had suffered irreparable brain damage. “Wheeeeeeeels!” Willy sang. “Wa-ha-hario! Warhaaaaaaawk!”
“SHUT UP!” yelled one of his guards, a short-tempered Shyguy named Murzon. A yellow yoshi stood nearby, resisting the temptation to swallow a nearby pineapple.
“Willy, wheeelie, loopdeedoop, oh, I’m Wiiiiiiiiilly on Wheeeeels!” the demented teenager said. Murzon clutched at the sides of his mask, clearly regretting he was on shift. “398, will you shut him up?!” Murzon yelled to the yoshi over the din. The yoshi grinned and used his long, sticky tongue to fling a pineapple at Willy, who quieted down.
Inside Three Dejong’s factory, Tonya Logan crawled out of the steaming cauldron. She was burnt badly, and felt sick. Tonya felt somehow as though she were struggling to keep herself together. She sat down on the floor, resting when she felt a slight tugging. She spun around and saw two people behind her. One appeared to be a boy version of her, the other a very old version of her. “Who… are you?” Tonya asked. The two people responded, “Who… are you?” “Eh?” said Tonya as she took a step back. The people responded, “Eh?” Tonya took a step back and hoped with all her might that the two people would leave. And they did. They vanished into her. “Weird…” said Tonya. She stood up and, when she relaxed again, the two people reappeared. She concentrated, and they vanished. Tonya soon realized what this meant. She had power. A lot of it. Soon, the world would fear Tonya Logan…
Bowser grinned evilly as Peach writhed on the floor. As she did so, Bowser saw her turning into two peaches. One evil, one good. Bowser cackled madly. “It worked! I’m a genius! A genius! I’m a brilliant-” but Bowser was cut off. The evil Peach stood up and grabbed him by the throat. “Agh- what’re you doing-” Bowser gasped. “You’re not- strong enough, you’re- weak…” “I’ve gotten stronger,” growled the evil Peach. She then hurled Bowser headfirst through the window. “Oh, no! You’re not me! You can’t be! I don’t believe it!” screamed the good peach to the evil peach. The evil peach looked the good one in the eye. “Believe it, girly,” she growled as she knocked the good Peach unconscious. The evil Peach walked over to the Balcony of Bowser’s castle. “Hear me, Koopas!” She cried. “I have taken control of this castle. Now, the Koopa Troop will answer to me, PEACHYCAKES!”

Current revision as of 16:56, 9 July 2007

The Three Trolls is an ongoing story featuring the MarioWiki Users vs. PeachyLogan on Wheels. It can be found here.

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