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Legend of the Infinite Empire/Chapter 7

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“Memories of Old, Enemies of New”
“Memories of Old, Enemies of New”
The sun shined down on the Forces of Light, Plumber was at the front, according to Grodus, Wayoshi could be found in the nearby town of [[Cheese|Jibber Jabber City]]. The Forces of Light, traveled through the [[Doopliss|Black Forest]]. When…a small canister rolled in front of Plumber…it was a flash grenade. Two shots sizzled passed Plumber, one catching part of his hat. Yoshi626, turned invisible, the shots phasing through him, he reappeared in front the sniper. With one blow, Yoshi626 knocked the sniper off his feet. <br>
The sun shined down on the Forces of Light, Plumber was at the front, according to Grodus, Wayoshi could be found in the nearby town of [[Jibber Jabber City]]. The Forces of Light, traveled through the [[Black Forest]]. When…a small canister rolled in front of Plumber…it was a flash grenade. Two shots sizzled passed Plumber, one catching part of his hat. Yoshi626, turned invisible, the shots phasing through him, he reappeared in front the sniper. With one blow, Yoshi626 knocked the sniper off his feet. <br>
“WAIT!” a voice shouted, a green Yoshi appeared from the front, the Yoshi smiled, “Grodus said you’d be here soon.” <br>
“WAIT!” a voice shouted, a green Yoshi appeared from the front, the Yoshi smiled, “Grodus said you’d be here soon.” <br>
Plumber scratched his head, “Wayoshi?” <br>
Plumber scratched his head, “Wayoshi?” <br>
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To be continued…
To be continued…

Current revision as of 14:47, 16 June 2007

Chapter Seven

“Memories of Old, Enemies of New”

The sun shined down on the Forces of Light, Plumber was at the front, according to Grodus, Wayoshi could be found in the nearby town of Jibber Jabber City. The Forces of Light, traveled through the Black Forest. When…a small canister rolled in front of Plumber…it was a flash grenade. Two shots sizzled passed Plumber, one catching part of his hat. Yoshi626, turned invisible, the shots phasing through him, he reappeared in front the sniper. With one blow, Yoshi626 knocked the sniper off his feet.
“WAIT!” a voice shouted, a green Yoshi appeared from the front, the Yoshi smiled, “Grodus said you’d be here soon.”
Plumber scratched his head, “Wayoshi?”
Yes, the Green Yoshi replied…

Xzelion waited back at comm, the defense squad told him of the intruders. The fire fight ceased no less than four minutes into the fight. Xzelion waited, the door behind him slid open. He upholstered his pistol and turned around, Wayoshi walked in, nearly around a dozen others followed. But only one caught his eye. The Mars Being, Gofer.

Revan was sitting down with his advisors. He was about to launch Operation: Zero-17. The name stood for Seventeen Critical Targets; Revan had been entrusted by the Prince of Darkness himself. Revan’s personal army was composed of his handpicked, hand-trained troops. Each one loyal to him, and him alone. Revan’s personal ship, the Ebon Hawk hovered above the ground; his army had already taken out One Outpost successfully. His next target was a critical Communication Center , the Black Soresu Comm Center . Revan listened to the comments and suggestions his advisors had made. Each one brilliant in their own fields, Isano his second-in-command was almost just as brilliant as Revan himself. The council bounced ideas back and forth...

YoshiFan, YellowYoshi398, and Parayoshi wear aboard the S.S Rawk Hawk. A flying Fortress, the Rawk Hawk skimmed a few feet above the water. Omega Squad was moving in to sabotage an enemy power plant. Rawk Hawk moved with grace. The large battleship was five minutes away from their target. Omega Squad hurried and ran inside of their copter. The helicopter lifted off and flew towards its target.

“Lord Revan, all teams are ready for the attack, just give the word.” The comm. Officer stared at revan, “Milord, we are ready” he repeated.
No response
“Sir just give the ord—“ the officer was interrupted.
“Attack!” Revan ordered
The comm. Officer smiled, “All units attack, attack!”
Revan sat up, his robes touched the floor, the comm officer stared at him. “Sir, where are you going?” asked the officer.
Revan unsheathed his sword, “To victory”
Revan disappeared from the comm. Officers sight, the brave commander…was going to fight. The comm officer took a deep breath. “Commander” he muttered.

Xzelion follwed the martian, he made sure to stay away from the line of sight. Xzelion had been trained by the greatest; no one would be able to see him. He slid open the door hid pistol in hand, he pointed it at Gofer. “Don’t move, Martian.”
Gofer snapped and looked back, pistol in his hand.
The two soldiers stared at each other, “Why are you here?” asked the Martian.
“For justice to be served, and for the blood of my people to be avenged.” Replied Xzelion.
“Ah, the Morpolians” Gofer said
“Yes, my people you killed, families broken…lives shattered.”
Gofer chuckled, “your people were weak, I did the galaxy a favor, and wiped them from the face of the galaxy!”
Xzelion lifted his pistol, if Xzelion shot, Gofer would shot...but lives would be avenged…

The rain drizziled down, the small town of Opo, Xzelion was watching from his outpost. The aliens had attack again, and again. It was only a matter of time before they struck here. And that matter of time was here. The sky filled with saucers. “All units scramble fighters, repeat thousands of bogeys!” Xzelion shouted into his comlink.
The sky erupted into flames, fighters and saucers collided, Xzelion turned, but could feel…everyone of the deaths. His chest burned…everyone that died…he could feel it, it melted a nail into his chest. He murmured beneath his breath.
“I’m sorry my men…you will be avenged.”
Little did the pilots in the sky now that they were a diversion, the civilians were all evacuated…but Xzelion knew what he did was the right thing, sacrificing his men…for the lives of the innocent.’’

Xzelion had seen a harsh flash back, him and Gofer were still in a stand-off the two soldiers exchanged words.
Gofer smiled, “You remember the day, the day were your city was burned to the ground.” He said with a slight smile.
Xzelion growled, “You’re a sick person, you spawn of shadows!” Gofer laughed, “You were weak that day, you left your men to die…to burn alive, to let them know…they were not important. They gave their lives that day. While you Xzelion, retreated. You are a coward!” Xzelion frowned, “Is that what you truly believe Martian?”
Gofer frowned as well, “Then Xzrlion, how did it go?” Xzelion clutched his pistol ready to shoot. “Who won the war?” Xzelion asked mockingly

The war had taken its toll, for both sides. After a year of battling, Xzelion and his squad were ready, ready for one last attack, one last hope to destroy the invading forces. Revan and his little brother Xzelion were strapped in tight, their seatbelt tied around the body as the ship rocked back and forth. Xzelion was armed with the best weapons the Militia had to offer.
Revan smiled, “Squad its time to end this, all the lives lost, shall be avenged today!”
Xzelion turned to his two other squad mates, Jen, and Josiah. Jen his girlfriend was an expert with the machinegun, while Josiah was an expert with…anything.
The shuttle docked with the enemy mother ship, Xzelion and Alpha Squad rushed out, three Mars People awaited them. Revan poured blaster fire into one, Xzelion shot the other and the sibling duo of Jen and Josiah gunned down the last one. The giant meteor loomed over the Mushroom World, thousands of battleships outside waged war, the entire war depended on Alpha Squad. The squads main mission was to detonate the central core with a large pack detonation packs. Xzelion had the pack strapped around his back, while Josiah held the detonator. The squad fought ferociously through the enemy base. A door slid open A Mars Mecha opened fire, one bolt obliterating Josiah’s body.
“NO!” screamed Jen, he brother was quite dead.
Xzelion was hiding behind two large crates.
“Jen, stay at your position!” shouted Xzelion
No use Jen ran toward what was left of her brother when, another blast hit here in the chest.
“Jen!” cried Xzelion.
And at that moment Xzelion was invinsible, he leaped in the air, two blast missing him. He slid underneath the Mecha his battle rifle blasted through the Mecha’s armor, he slid out his RPG and shot, the explosion hitting him…but he felt no pain, he was filled with rage, he pulled out his machinegun and grabbed Jen’s rifle, he dual wield them, he oped fire, two Mars people fell to the ground, he was on a rampage. His eyes filled with fury. Then he blanked out, he heard an explosion, and nothing more.’’

Gofer chuckled, “You remember that day, where you won the war.” He paused, then continued, “you fought like a true warrior that day you earned my respect”
Xzelion took a deep breathe, “We chased you, we chased your men back to your homeworld, we were so…so evil. We became the very thing we had fought to destroy. We became the darkness.”
Gofer lowered his weapon, “Let justice be served Xzelion.”
Xzelion angled the gun to Gofer’s head.
A blaster was shot.

Revan was on the battlefield his armor and robes torn apart, his blade glowing, he levitated two soldiers off their feet, and crushed them, he crushed their bodies. His mask, covered his face his power seemingly unlimited. He cut down two more soldiers, through telepathy he could ready their every move. His blade sliced through the flesh of his unlucky victims. He came forward, the entire army surrounded the ‘Shroom Outpost general, his blade lifeted high, he cut down the general. Revan smiled beneath his mask, “All is done here”
A soldier ran up behind him, “Sir, you’re gonna wanna see this.”

Omega Squad had more then completed their mission they aced it, the entire base was now usless, YoshiFan and Omega Squad traveled back to base.

Revan walked in the room, he stared at the captive, “Who is this?” Revan asked.
The comm. Officer turned to him, “A spammer”

Revan grabbed the spammer around the neck, “What are you doing here?”
The spammer was silent
Revan smiled, “I have ways of baking you, right now it just a matter of how much you want to suffer first.
The spammer smiled, “go ahead, do your worst!”
Revan looked at him, “I will”

The base was under attack Gofer and Xzelion his behind the bulkheads. The blast shot barely missed Xzelion’s head. Gofer looked at him, “Let justice be served!” Xzelion smiled, “Prince Gofer it already has been.”

To be continued…

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